
Pharmacy Sales and Inventory System in PHP


This project is a Pharmacy Sales and Inventory Management System. This is a web-based application project developed in PHP, CodeIgniter Framework, and MySQL Database. This project was mainly developed to provide the Pharmacy Business with an online platform to manage their daily Sales Transactions and Inventory. It can help them to easily store, retrieve, and manage data or records on their business. It has a simple and pleasant user interface with the help of Bootstrap Framework to give end-user a better experience while using the application. It also consists of user-friendly features and functionalities

About the Pharmacy Sales and Inventory Management System The Project was developed with the following:

XAMPP v3.3.0 PHP CodeIgniter Framework MySQL Database HTML CSS JavaScript Ajax jQuery Bootstrap How do the Pharmacy Sales and Inventory System work? This Pharmacy Sales and Inventory Management System has two sides of the user interface which are the Admin Panel and the Staff Site.

The Admin Panel is the side of the system that is accessible only to the management. This site requires valid user credentials in order to gain access to the features and functionalities of the said side. The admin users have the privilege to manage and access all the data of the system. Admin users can manage the list of Medicines, Medicines Generic Names, Suppliers, Purchases, Payments to Suppliers, and Sales Transactions. These features are most of the important lists and data of this pharmacy web application. The admin also has permission to record a Sale Transaction. The application also generates a printable Profit-Loss Report for all and each pharmaceutical drug or medicinal product.

The Staff Users are the side of the system that can be accessed by the Cashiers. This site is only permitted to store the daily Sales Transaction of the customer. This site also requires valid staff user credentials to gain access.

What are the Features of the Pharmacy Sales and Inventory System?

Dashboard Page Display the summary and images. Medicine Type Management Add New Medicine Type List All Medicine Types Delete Medicine Type Medicine Generic Name Management Add New Medicine Generic Name List All Medicine Generic Names Delete Medicine Generic Name Medicine Name Management Add New Medicine Name List All Medicine Names Delete Medicine Name Medicine Supplier Management Add New Medicine Supplier List All Medicine Suppliers Delete Medicine Supplier Inventory Management Inventory/Medicine List Add New Medicine Purchase Information List All Medicine Purchase Informations Edit Medicine Purchase Information Delete Medicine Purchase Information List All Purchase Statement Supplier Payments Sales Transaction Accounting Report Generate Printable Profit-Loss Report Generate Printable Profit-Loss Report per Medicine Members Management Add New Member List All Members Edit Member Details Delete Member Details Login and Logout

How to Run ?? #Requirements

Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP with a PHP Version of at least 7. Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)

System Installation/Setup

Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL. Extract the downloaded source code zip file. Copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" directory. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin Create a new database naming pms_db. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as pms_db.sql located inside the DATABASE File folder. Browse the Pharmacy Sales and Inventory Management System in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/ci_pms/.

Admin Default Access:

Username: admin Password: admin123

Sample Staff Access:

Username: jsmith Password: test#123