This is the Python client for Firefly III API
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.9.0
- Package version: 0.9.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install Firefly-III-API-Client
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install Firefly-III-API-Client
Then import the package:
import firefly_iii_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import firefly_iii_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import firefly_iii_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: firefly_iii_auth
configuration = firefly_iii_client.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' = 'YOUR_HOST_URL'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = firefly_iii_client.AboutApi(firefly_iii_client.ApiClient(configuration))
# System information end point.
api_response = api_instance.get_about()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AboutApi->get_about: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AboutApi | get_about | GET /api/v1/about | System information end point. |
AboutApi | get_current_user | GET /api/v1/about/user | Currently authenticated user endpoint. |
AccountsApi | delete_account | DELETE /api/v1/accounts/{id} | Permanently delete account. |
AccountsApi | get_account | GET /api/v1/accounts/{id} | Get single account. |
AccountsApi | get_accounts | GET /api/v1/accounts | List all accounts. |
AccountsApi | get_piggies_by_account | GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/piggy_banks | List all piggy banks related to the account. |
AccountsApi | get_transactions_by_account | GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/transactions | List all transactions related to the account. |
AccountsApi | store_account | POST /api/v1/accounts | Create new account. |
AccountsApi | update_account | PUT /api/v1/accounts/{id} | Update existing account. |
AttachmentsApi | delete_attachment | DELETE /api/v1/attachment/{id} | Delete an attachment. |
AttachmentsApi | download_attachment | GET /api/v1/attachments/{id}/download | Download a single attachment. |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment | GET /api/v1/attachment/{id} | Get a single attachment. |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachments | GET /api/v1/attachments | List all attachments. |
AttachmentsApi | store_attachment | POST /api/v1/attachments | Store a new attachment. |
AttachmentsApi | update_attachment | PUT /api/v1/attachment/{id} | Update existing attachment. |
AttachmentsApi | upload_attachment | POST /api/v1/attachments/{id}/upload | Upload an attachment. |
AvailableBudgetsApi | delete_available_budget | DELETE /api/v1/available_budgets/{id} | Delete an available budget. |
AvailableBudgetsApi | get_available_budget | GET /api/v1/available_budgets/{id} | Get a single available budget. |
AvailableBudgetsApi | get_available_budgets | GET /api/v1/available_budgets | List all available budget amounts. |
AvailableBudgetsApi | store_available_budget | POST /api/v1/available_budgets | Store a new available budget |
AvailableBudgetsApi | update_available_budget | PUT /api/v1/available_budgets/{id} | Update existing available budget, to change for example the date range of the amount or the amount itself. |
BillsApi | delete_bill | DELETE /api/v1/bills/{id} | Delete a bill. |
BillsApi | get_attachments_by_bill | GET /api/v1/bills/{id}/attachments | List all attachments uploaded to the bill. |
BillsApi | get_bill | GET /api/v1/bills/{id} | Get a single bill. |
BillsApi | get_bills | GET /api/v1/bills | List all bills. |
BillsApi | get_rules_by_bill | GET /api/v1/bills/{id}/rules | List all rules associated with the bill. |
BillsApi | get_transactions_by_bill | GET /api/v1/bills/{id}/transactions | List all transactions associated with the bill. |
BillsApi | store_bill | POST /api/v1/bills | Store a new bill |
BillsApi | update_bill | PUT /api/v1/bills/{id} | Update existing bill. |
BudgetsApi | delete_budget | DELETE /api/v1/budgets/{id} | Delete a budget. |
BudgetsApi | delete_budget_limit | DELETE /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id} | Delete a budget limit. |
BudgetsApi | get_budget | GET /api/v1/budgets/{id} | Get a single budget. |
BudgetsApi | get_budget_limit | GET /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id} | Get single budget limit. |
BudgetsApi | get_budget_limits | GET /api/v1/budgets/{id}/limits | Get all limits |
BudgetsApi | get_budgets | GET /api/v1/budgets | List all budgets. |
BudgetsApi | get_transactions_by_budget | GET /api/v1/budgets/{id}/transactions | All transactions to a budget. |
BudgetsApi | get_transactions_by_budget_limit | GET /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id}/transactions | List all transactions by a budget limit ID. |
BudgetsApi | store_budget | POST /api/v1/budgets | Store a new budget |
BudgetsApi | store_budget_limit | POST /api/v1/budgets/{id}/limits | Store new budget limit. |
BudgetsApi | update_budget | PUT /api/v1/budgets/{id} | Update existing budget. |
BudgetsApi | update_budget_limit | PUT /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id} | Update existing budget limit. |
CategoriesApi | delete_category | DELETE /api/v1/categories/{id} | Delete a category. |
CategoriesApi | get_categories | GET /api/v1/categories | List all categories. |
CategoriesApi | get_category | GET /api/v1/categories/{id} | Get a single category. |
CategoriesApi | get_transactions_by_category | GET /api/v1/categories/{id}/transactions | List all transactions in a category. |
CategoriesApi | store_category | POST /api/v1/categories | Store a new category |
CategoriesApi | update_category | PUT /api/v1/categories/{id} | Update existing category. |
ConfigurationApi | get_configuration | GET /api/v1/configuration | Get Firefly III system configuration. |
ConfigurationApi | set_configuration | POST /api/v1/configuration/{name} | Update configuration |
CurrenciesApi | default_currency | POST /api/v1/currencies/{code}/default | Make currency default currency. |
CurrenciesApi | delete_currency | DELETE /api/v1/currencies/{code} | Delete a currency. |
CurrenciesApi | disable_currency | POST /api/v1/currencies/{code}/disable | Disable a currency. |
CurrenciesApi | enable_currency | POST /api/v1/currencies/{code}/enable | Enable a single currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_accounts_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/accounts | List all accounts with this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_available_budgets_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/available_budgets | List all available budgets with this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_bills_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/bills | List all bills with this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_budget_limits_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/budget_limits | List all budget limits with this currency |
CurrenciesApi | get_currencies | GET /api/v1/currencies | List all currencies. |
CurrenciesApi | get_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code} | Get a single currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_exchange_rates_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/cer | List all known exchange rates with (from or to) this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_recurrences_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/recurrences | List all recurring transactions with this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_rules_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/rules | List all rules with this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | get_transactions_by_currency | GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/transactions | List all transactions with this currency. |
CurrenciesApi | store_currency | POST /api/v1/currencies | Store a new currency |
CurrenciesApi | update_currency | PUT /api/v1/currencies/{code} | Update existing currency. |
CurrencyExchangeRatesApi | get_exchange_rate | GET /api/v1/cer | Get an exchange rate. |
ImportApi | get_import | GET /api/v1/import/{key} | Show info on a single import |
ImportApi | get_imports | GET /api/v1/import/list | List al imports |
ImportApi | get_transactions_by_import | GET /api/v1/import/{key}/transactions | List all transactions related to the import job. The correlation is made through the tag. |
LinksApi | delete_link_type | DELETE /api/v1/link_types/{id} | Permanently delete link type. |
LinksApi | delete_transaction_link | DELETE /api/v1/transaction_links/{id} | Permanently delete link between transactions. |
LinksApi | get_link_type | GET /api/v1/link_types/{id} | Get single a link type. |
LinksApi | get_link_types | GET /api/v1/link_types | List all types of links. |
LinksApi | get_transaction_links | GET /api/v1/transaction_links | List all transaction links. |
LinksApi | get_transactions_by_link_type | GET /api/v1/link_types/{id}/transactions | List all transactions under this link type. |
LinksApi | store_link_type | POST /api/v1/link_types | Create a new link type |
LinksApi | store_transaction_link | POST /api/v1/transaction_links | Create a new link between transactions |
LinksApi | update_link_type | PUT /api/v1/link_types/{id} | Update existing link type. |
LinksApi | update_transaction_link | PUT /api/v1/transaction_links/{id} | Update an existing link between transactions. |
PiggyBanksApi | delete_piggy_bank | DELETE /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id} | Delete a piggy bank. |
PiggyBanksApi | get_events_by_piggy_bank | GET /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id}/events | List all events linked to a piggy bank. |
PiggyBanksApi | get_piggy_bank | GET /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id} | Get a single piggy bank. |
PiggyBanksApi | get_piggy_banks | GET /api/v1/piggy_banks | List all piggy banks. |
PiggyBanksApi | store_piggy_bank | POST /api/v1/piggy_banks | Store a new piggy bank |
PiggyBanksApi | update_piggy_bank | PUT /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id} | Update existing piggy bank. |
PreferencesApi | get_preferences | GET /api/v1/preferences | List all users preferences. |
PreferencesApi | update_preference | PUT /api/v1/preferences/{name} | Update preference |
RecurrencesApi | delete_recurrence | DELETE /api/v1/recurrences/{id} | Delete a recurring transaction. |
RecurrencesApi | get_recurrence | GET /api/v1/recurrences/{id} | Get a single recurring transaction. |
RecurrencesApi | get_recurring | GET /api/v1/recurrences | List all recurring transactions. |
RecurrencesApi | get_transactions_by_recurrence | GET /api/v1/recurrences/{id}/transactions | List all transactions created by a recurring transaction. |
RecurrencesApi | store_recurrence | POST /api/v1/recurrences | Store a new recurring transaction |
RecurrencesApi | trigger_recurrence | POST /api/v1/recurrences/trigger | Trigger the creation of recurring transactions (like a cron job). |
RecurrencesApi | update_recurrence | PUT /api/v1/recurrences/{id} | Update existing recurring transaction. |
RuleGroupsApi | delete_rule_group | DELETE /api/v1/rule_groups/{id} | Delete a rule group. |
RuleGroupsApi | fire_rule_group | POST /api/v1/rule_groups/{id}/trigger | Fire the rule group on your transactions. |
RuleGroupsApi | get_rule_group | GET /api/v1/rule_groups/{id} | Get a single rule group. |
RuleGroupsApi | get_rule_groups | GET /api/v1/rule_groups | List all rule groups. |
RuleGroupsApi | get_rules_by_group | GET /api/v1/rule_groups/{id}/rules | List rules in this rule group. |
RuleGroupsApi | store_rule_group | POST /api/v1/rule_groups | Store a new rule group. |
RuleGroupsApi | test_rule_group | GET /api/v1/rule_groups/{id}/test | Test which transactions would be hit by the rule group. No changes will be made. |
RuleGroupsApi | update_rule_group | PUT /api/v1/rule_groups/{id} | Update existing rule group. |
RulesApi | delete_rule | DELETE /api/v1/rules/{id} | Delete an rule. |
RulesApi | fire_rule | POST /api/v1/rules/{id}/trigger | Fire the rule on your transactions. |
RulesApi | get_rule | GET /api/v1/rules/{id} | Get a single rule. |
RulesApi | get_rules | GET /api/v1/rules | List all rules. |
RulesApi | store_rule | POST /api/v1/rules | Store a new rule |
RulesApi | test_rule | GET /api/v1/rules/{id}/test | Test which transactions would be hit by the rule. No changes will be made. |
RulesApi | update_rule | PUT /api/v1/rules/{id} | Update existing rule. |
TagsApi | delete_tag | DELETE /api/v1/tags/{tag} | Delete an tag. |
TagsApi | get_tag | GET /api/v1/tags/{tag} | Get a single tag. |
TagsApi | get_tags | GET /api/v1/tags | List all tags. |
TagsApi | get_transactions_by_tag | GET /api/v1/tags/{tag}/transactions | List all transactions with this tag. |
TagsApi | store_tag | POST /api/v1/tags | Store a new tag |
TagsApi | update_tag | PUT /api/v1/tags/{tag} | Update existing tag. |
TransactionsApi | delete_transaction | DELETE /api/v1/transactions/{id} | Delete a transaction. |
TransactionsApi | get_attachments_by_transactions | GET /api/v1/transactions/{id}/attachments | Lists all attachments. |
TransactionsApi | get_events_by_transactions | GET /api/v1/transactions/{id}/piggy_bank_events | Lists all piggy bank events. |
TransactionsApi | get_transaction | GET /api/v1/transactions/{id} | Get a single transaction. |
TransactionsApi | get_transactions | GET /api/v1/transactions | List all the user's transactions. |
TransactionsApi | store_transaction | POST /api/v1/transactions | Store a new transaction |
TransactionsApi | update_transaction | PUT /api/v1/transactions/{id} | Update existing transaction. |
UsersApi | delete_user | DELETE /api/v1/users/{id} | Delete a user. |
UsersApi | get_user | GET /api/v1/users/{id} | Get a single user. |
UsersApi | get_users | GET /api/v1/users | List all users. |
UsersApi | store_user | POST /api/v1/users | Store a new user |
UsersApi | update_user | PUT /api/v1/users/{id} | Update an existing user's information. |
- Account
- AccountArray
- AccountAttributes
- AccountSingle
- AccountUpdate
- Attachment
- AttachmentArray
- AttachmentAttributes
- AttachmentSingle
- AttachmentUpdate
- AvailableBudget
- AvailableBudgetArray
- AvailableBudgetAttributes
- AvailableBudgetSingle
- AvailableBudgetUpdate
- Bill
- BillArray
- BillAttributes
- BillSingle
- BillUpdate
- Budget
- BudgetArray
- BudgetAttributes
- BudgetLimit
- BudgetLimitArray
- BudgetLimitAttributes
- BudgetLimitSingle
- BudgetLimitUpdate
- BudgetSingle
- BudgetSpent
- BudgetUpdate
- Category
- CategoryArray
- CategoryAttributes
- CategoryEarned
- CategorySingle
- CategorySpent
- CategoryUpdate
- Configuration
- ConfigurationData
- ConfigurationUpdate
- Currency
- CurrencyArray
- CurrencyAttributes
- CurrencySingle
- CurrencyUpdate
- ExchangeRate
- ExchangeRateArray
- ExchangeRateAttributes
- ImportJob
- ImportJobArray
- ImportJobAttributes
- ImportJobSingle
- LinkType
- LinkTypeArray
- LinkTypeAttributes
- LinkTypeSingle
- LinkTypeUpdate
- Meta
- MetaPagination
- ObjectLink
- ObjectLink0
- PageLink
- PiggyBank
- PiggyBankArray
- PiggyBankAttributes
- PiggyBankEvent
- PiggyBankEventArray
- PiggyBankEventAttributes
- PiggyBankSingle
- PiggyBankUpdate
- Preference
- PreferenceArray
- PreferenceAttributes
- PreferenceSingle
- PreferenceUpdate
- Recurrence
- RecurrenceArray
- RecurrenceAttributes
- RecurrenceMeta
- RecurrenceRepetition
- RecurrenceRepetitionUpdate
- RecurrenceSingle
- RecurrenceTransaction
- RecurrenceTransactionMeta
- RecurrenceTransactionUpdate
- RecurrenceUpdate
- Rule
- RuleAction
- RuleActionUpdate
- RuleArray
- RuleAttributes
- RuleGroup
- RuleGroupArray
- RuleGroupAttributes
- RuleGroupSingle
- RuleGroupUpdate
- RuleSingle
- RuleTrigger
- RuleTriggerUpdate
- RuleUpdate
- SystemInfo
- SystemInfoData
- Tag
- TagArray
- TagAttributes
- TagSingle
- TagUpdate
- Transaction
- TransactionArray
- TransactionAttributes
- TransactionLink
- TransactionLinkArray
- TransactionLinkAttributes
- TransactionLinkSingle
- TransactionLinkUpdate
- TransactionSingle
- TransactionSplitUpdate
- TransactionUpdate
- User
- UserArray
- UserAttributes
- UserSingle
- UserUpdate
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorErrors
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A