
Project made to represent the Clean Architecture on Swift using the VIP Architecture

Primary LanguageSwift


This project was developed to demonstrate the usage of Clean Architecture in Swift. This project allows the user to search for repositories by query using the GitHub API. This project contains Unit Tests.



This project is based on the VIP (View-Interactor-Presenter) architecture that could be represented by this chart.


The View layer is responsible for handling all the layout related code, such as displaying the data and ask for the data.


The Interactor is responsible for listen the requests from the view, handle all the business logic and sending the data to the presenter.


The presenter is responsible for receiving the data from the interecator, transform it on a view representative way such as a ViewModel and send the information to the View.


The Router is responsible for handling the navigation between the scenes.


The Worker is responsible for calling services, such as calling an API or a local Storage.


Make sure you have a recent version of cocoapods installed. If not, Just run

sudo gem install cocoapods

Then run

pod install