
Configurable IoT Library for Android

Primary LanguageJava

Configurable IoT Library for Android

This library is intended for a fast set-up of real data collection and export from the various sensors available on the Android device to different destinations.



A collector uses device sensor or other data source to collect samples and notify all the subscribers of the newly collected sample.

Built-in collectors

Using built-in collectors
AccelerometerCollector collector = new AccelerometerCollector(activity, 1000);

Exporters and Encoders

An exporter receives a Sample collected from a Collector and writes it to a destination.

Built-in exporters

Using built-in exporters
LogExporter exporer = new LogExporter(new JsonEncoder());


A pipeline is a simple flow of Collectors and Exporters where each sample collected from one of the collectors is exported to all exporters.

It's the simplest way to setup all the component of the library:

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
pipeline.addCollector(new LightCollector(this, 5000));
pipeline.addCollector(new BatteryCollector(this));
pipeline.addExporter(new LogExporter(new JsonEncoder()));
pipeline.addExporter(new MqttExporter(new JsonByteEncoder(), this, "tcp://host:port", topic, clientName));

Standard vs Generic samples

The (standard) schema of the samples collected from the different collectors is different (check for example BatteryData and GpsData). To simplify the job to the receivers it might help to have a common schema for all the collected samples. This is the goal of the GenericSample and GenericData classes.

  "data": {
    "values": [
      { "name": "METRIC_NAME_1", "value": "X"},
      { "name": "METRIC_NAME_N", "value": 0.0}
  "device": "DEVICE_ID",
  "timestamp": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S",
  "type": "PACKET_TYPE"

All the built-in exporters have a setUseGenericSamples(boolean) method (provided by the AbstractExporter class). If set to true, all the samples are converted to the generic schema before export.

Extending the library

Custom collector


Custom exporter


Custom encoder


Using the library in your project

This library is currently published in Github Package Registry. To use it in you Android project, in your build.gradle:

  1. Add GPR repository with your GitHub credentials
repositories {
    maven {
        url uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/vinsce/android-IoTLibrary")
        credentials {
            username = "GITHUB_USERNAME"
            password = "GITHUB_TOKEN"
  1. Add the dependency
implementation 'com.vinsce.ciotl:base:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vinsce.ciotl:mqtt-exporter:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vinsce.ciotl:http-exporter:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'


This library is not ready for production use and does not care about permissions or sensors availability. The application that uses the library must take care of it.