
Protocol decoders for the SmartScope

Primary LanguageC#

Getting started

Getting the files

Clone the repository

Generate the Visual Studio project files by running protobuild.exe

Writing a decoder

Open the solution and add your own Class library project, i.e. MyDecoders.

Add references to

  1. LabNationInterfaces (Solution > Projects)
  2. System.ComponentModel.Composition (Assemblies)

Write your decoder

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Linq;
using LabNation.Interfaces;

namespace LabNation.Decoders
    public class DecoderI2C : IDecoder
        public DecoderDescription Description
                return new DecoderDescription()
                    Name = "Joy decoder",
                    ShortName = "Joy",
                    Author = "J. Lajoie",
                    VersionMajor = 0,
                    VersionMinor = 1,
                    Description = "A simple decoder to decode the joy in bits",
                    InputWaveformTypes = new Dictionary<string, Type>() 
                        { "Bit 0", typeof(bool)},
                        { "Bit 1", typeof(bool)},
                    Parameters = null

        public DecoderOutput[] Decode(Dictionary<string, Array> inputWaveforms, Dictionary<string, object> parameters, double samplePeriod)
            bool[] B0 = (bool[])inputWaveforms["Bit 0"];
            bool[] B1 = (bool[])inputWaveforms["Bit 1"];

            List<DecoderOutput> decoderOutputList = new List<DecoderOutput>();

            int lastUsedIndex = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i < B0.Length; i++)
                DecoderOutput d = null;
                if(B0[i] != B0[lastUsedIndex] && B1[i] != B1[lastUsedIndex]) 
                    d = new DecoderOutputEvent(lastUsedIndex, i, DecoderOutputColor.Blue, "Both changed!");
                else if (B0[i] != B0[lastUsedIndex] && B1[i] == B1[lastUsedIndex])
                    d = new DecoderOutputEvent(lastUsedIndex, i, DecoderOutputColor.Yellow, "B0 changed!");
                else if (B0[i] == B0[lastUsedIndex] && B1[i] != B1[lastUsedIndex])
                    d = new DecoderOutputEvent(lastUsedIndex, i, DecoderOutputColor.Red, "B1 changed!");
                if (d != null)
                    lastUsedIndex = d.EndIndex;

            return decoderOutputList.ToArray();

Build and use

Build the project

Copy the output DLL from the build directory (i.e. ./MyDecoders/bin/Debug/MyDecoders.dll) to <My Documents>/LabNation/Plugins

Restart the SmartScope app and enjoy your decoder

DLL location

Platform Path
Mac /Users/<username>/LabNation/Plugins
Linux ~/LabNation/Plugins
Windows <My Documents>/LabNation/Plugins
Android <sd-card>/LabNation/Plugins