
FLIBGO is an OPDS server for FB2 book archives

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Further development stopped
Multi-platform service is being developed in the form of a lightweight executable module flibgolite
flibgolite is enough for a home library and more

flibgo is an OPDS server for the FB2 book archive library

The Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) catalog format is a syndication format for electronic publications based on Atom and HTTP. OPDS catalogs enable the aggregation, distribution, discovery, and acquisition of electronic publications. (Wikipedia)

This flibgo release only supports FB2 publications, both individual files and zip archives.

OPDS-catalog is checked and works with mobile readers FBReader and PocketBook Reader

1-2-3 Installation

  1. Preparing for installation

    flibgo is written in GO and uses MariaDB database to store the catalog, so I recommend to launch flibgo in Docker containers to simplify installation and setup.

    Desktop installation for Windows, MacOS and Linux is described there https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop

  2. Setup

    Copy zip-archive with flibgo https://github.com/vinser/flibgo/archive/refs/heads/master.zip or download flibgo with git clone https://github.com/vinser/flibgo.git

    In the docker-compose.yml file specify the folder like 'books' in which FB2 files and/or zip files with FB2s will be processed and stored.

    The folder will contain two subfolderd:

  ├─── stock - put new FB2 files and/or zip archives with FB2 files here
  └─── trash - files that have been processing bugs will come here 

In the docker-compose.yml file set your local time zone if needed (TZ tag)

  1. Run and Stop

    While in the folder with the docker-compose.yml file run docker-compose up -d command to start flibgo server.

    flibgo will once a minute process new books and add them to the catalog. OPDS catalogue will be available at http://<your computer's ip>:8085/opds

    Server shutdown can be done by docker-compose down command

Advanced usage

For advanced sutup see config/config.yml selfexplanatory file.

Command docker-compose exec app go run /flibgo/cmd/flibgo/main.go -reindex will help to re-create the catalog on the files already processed

Any comments and suggestions are welcome