
Used HTML, CSS, Javascript to develop a basic responsive front-end ChatApp Webpage template like facebook's messenger and instagram offering various editing options and styles for the backend.

-Made using the grid system for responsive nature of the webpage. Conatining 2 dropdown menu one for chat messages and other for friend lists. A search bar to search the friend you want to text. A scrollable friend list with their profile pictures and status. -Other column is the chat page (auto scrolls to the bottom of the div) Containing profile picture of the friend you are currently chatting with also their status. The dropdown options that we can add later, also a refresh button to refresh the chat. Below that we have emoji, attachments, voice message and send icon buttons provided by cdnjscloudflare material design icons. This also sends a messasge when you click send button.

Above all that we have a beautiful name of the website in beautiful font provided by google fonts.