- 3
Unable to install with rails 6.
#58 opened by gurmindersingh4260 - 4
not able to add the product in the cart
#59 opened - 0
Support for spree_multi_vendor plugin
#64 opened by matthews52180 - 1
- 3
- 0
Permissions for spree_html_invoice
#54 opened by ducl13 - 0
- 1
Installation generator hangs
#24 opened by sambostock - 7
Failed to get user roles
#22 opened by cyberkostyan - 0
- 0
stock tab not available on product edit page
#30 opened by nimish13 - 1
- 2
- 1
Permission for reports?
#21 opened by kepheusikarius - 2
Not able to integrate in spree 3.0.4
#15 opened by lmahendra - 2
Spree 3.0
#14 opened by taniadaniela - 1
- 6
couldn't find file 'store/spree_frontend'
#9 opened by alanalvespi - 1
Error when running install
#3 opened by christygithub - 4
reference to spree_favorite_products
#4 opened by pawlowski - 2
`attr_accessible': `attr_accessible` is extr acted out of Rails into a gem. Please use new recommended protection model for p arams(strong_parameters) or add `protected_attributes` to your Gemfile
#2 opened by thiyagarajan - 1
Hide Configuration section in Admin panel?
#1 opened by Dwarf8