SSL Mutual Authentication Test

Primary LanguageJava

SSL Mutual Authentication Test - SMAT


Key and certificate files are generated for self-signed certificate authority (CA). An intermdiate signing key and certificate is created and used to sign the server and client certificates.

The keys and certificates are imported (keytool) to Java Key Store in PKCS #12 format. An OpenSSL server (openssl s_server) is opened and the Java app connects to it through mutual authenticaiton.

Prepare the Keys and Certificates

All the required example keys and certificates are found in the ca/ directory. They were created with my ssl-ca-make project.
Passwords on the keys and keystores is 'password'.

Import to Java Key Store

We need to create the Java Key stores for trust and identity from the keys and certificates in the ca/ directory.

cd ca

Generate the TrustStore

keytool -import -alias ServerTest -file ServerCert_signedByCAIntermediary.crt -keystore truststore.p12 -storetype pkcs12

Generate the IdentityStore

In the IdentityStore will put our private key, our certificate and the CA chain under an alias which our client is going to use to authenticate itself with the server.

  1. Concatenate all certificates into one PEM file

    cat server-chain.crt ClientCert_signedByCAIntermediary.crt ClientCert_signedByCAIntermediary.key > fullclient.crt
  2. Generate the PKCS12 keystore

    openssl pkcs12 -export -in fullclient.crt -out fullclient.p12 -name ClientTest -noiter -nomaciter
  3. Import the PKCS12 to IdentityStore.

    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore fullclient.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcalias ClientTest -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12 -destalias ClientTest

Run the Test

In a Command Prompt or PowerShell window:

openssl s_server -CAfile ca\server-chain.crt -key ca\ServerCert_signedByCAIntermediary.key -cert ca\ServerCert_signedByCAIntermediary.crt -accept 44430 -www -Verify 3

In another PowerShell window:

mvn package
java -cp "$(cat cp.txt);target\*" com.VinsWorld.app.SMAT