JSON5 – Modern JSON

Writing JSON by hand can be tedious. Keys need to be quoted; strings can only be double-quoted; objects and arrays can't have trailing commas; and comments aren't supported.

Using such a strict subset of "JavaScript object notation" was great for the IE6 generation, but with modern ECMAScript 5 engines like V8 in Chrome and Node, these limitations are cumbersome.

JSON5 does for JSON what ES5 did for ES3. It's also a strict subset of ES5 like regular JSON is of ES3.

This module provides a replacement for ES5's native JSON.parse() method that understands these additions. The parser is based directly off of Douglas Crockford's eval()-free json_parse.js, which means it's both safe and robust. Give it a try!


  • Object keys don't need to be quoted if they contain no special characters. Yes, even reserved keywords are valid unquoted keys in ES5. [TODO: Unicode characters and escape sequences aren't yet supported in unquoted keys.]

  • Strings can be single-quoted.

  • Strings can be multi-line; just prefix the newline with a backslash.

  • Objects and arrays can have trailing commas.

  • Both inline (single-line) and block (multi-line) comments are allowed.

  • [IDEA: Allow octal and hexadecimal numbers.]


    foo: 'bar',
    while: true,
    this: 'is a\
 multi-line string',
    // this is an inline comment
    here: 'is another', // inline comment
    /* this is a block comment
       it continues on another line */
    finally: 'a trailing comma',
    oh: [
        'we shouldn\'t forget',
        'arrays can have',
        'trailing commas too',


Via npm on Node:

npm install json5
var JSON5 = require('json5');

Or in the browser (adds the JSON5 object to the global namespace):

<script src="json5.js"></script>


var obj = JSON5.parse('{unquoted:"key",trailing:"comma",}');
var str = JSON5.stringify(obj);

JSON5.stringify() is currently aliased to the native JSON.stringify() in order for the output to be fully compatible with all JSON parsers today.


git clone git://github.com/aseemk/json5.git
cd json5
npm link
npm test

Feel free to file issues and submit pull requests — contributions are welcome.

If you submit a pull request, please be sure to add or update corresponding test cases, and ensure that npm test continues to pass.


MIT License. © 2012 Aseem Kishore.


Michael Bolin independently arrived at and published some of these same ideas with awesome explanations and detail. Recommended reading: Suggested Improvements to JSON

Douglas Crockford of course designed and built JSON, but his state machine diagrams on the JSON website, as cheesy as it may sound, gave me motivation and confidence that building a new parser to implement these ideas this was within my reach! This code is also modeled directly off of Doug's open-source json_parse.js parser. I'm super grateful for that clean and well-documented code.