- 0
Irregular reset of ESP8266 devices
#270 opened by svesaja - 0
assert failed: tcp_alloc
#269 opened by robgerpin - 2
how to connect esp8266 to alexa app
#263 opened by Haikal191 - 13
- 1
ESP8266 not discovered by Alexa
#267 opened by IOTMan7 - 5
- 1
Avoid that is detected as light only.
#258 opened by lamerjack - 3
I added to much devices to fauxmo?
#261 opened by Haifeif - 1
Fauxmo Device Types
#262 opened by petardozet - 0
Discovery delayed by 5 minutes on Echo Gen4
#265 opened by pvint - 0
- 3
Infrequent crashes caused by a bug
#246 opened by Miq1 - 1
How To use fauxmo.setState
#256 opened by artekdrzyzga - 0
- 0
Where best to feed a watchdog?
#254 opened by iconnor - 0
Echo Dot 3 doesn't detect device.
#253 opened by herobrine30396 - 6
Alexa drops FauxmoESP after some time
#241 opened by kfeger - 0
Allow devices to show up as a smart plug.
#250 opened by curuvar - 4
Strange behavior with command
#249 opened by sotana22 - 0
Device not found by Alexa with release 3.4.0
#248 opened by ranger81 - 1
- 0
Disable fauxmo does not disable internal web server
#247 opened by riban-bw - 6
- 1
Not all devices respond any more
#237 opened by Gehilfe - 3
how to setDeviceUniqueId with an example
#232 opened by mjtrini - 0
Alexa confusing ESP chips.
#197 opened by LordSexy - 1
I ported fauxmoESP for Raspberry Pi Pico W
#235 opened by MrGreensWorkshop - 15
'class fauxmoESP' has no member named 'onGetState'
#236 opened by jsalatiel - 3
device is unresponsive
#228 opened by chrisncc1701 - 1
double action with Alexa
#231 opened by mjtrini - 0
- 0
Status of element
#229 opened by orienweb - 2
LwIP Variant set to v1.4 Higher Bandwidth
#227 opened by intouchrandb - 2
lwIP v2 Support
#213 opened by HarrisonMylesG - 3
Alexa app on iPhone can't find my light device
#224 opened by hamed-ta - 0
Missing OnEvent ?
#226 opened by Stephan35 - 4
Discovery not working with echo dot 3rd generation
#222 opened by jormaechea - 2
- 0
- 3
Wich Alexa device send fire the onsetstate event
#217 opened by sergio83100 - 0
- 2
ESP8266 crashing during discovery
#208 opened by riban-bw - 2
W5500 ethernet module
#216 opened by kbssa - 0
#214 opened by rakeshdhanda - 8
- 1
Problem with ESP 8266 Arduino core 3.0.2
#212 opened by edautz - 0
onGetState Method
#211 opened by alanmasu - 2
- 2
- 1
Can't detect new devices
#199 opened by suloku