
Primary LanguageJava


This is a mock application to demonstrate on two scenarios

Scenario 1:

  1. Material Design
  2. Horizontal List using RecyclerView
  3. Other basic UI components

Scenario 2:

  1. JSON parsing using volley library by Google
  2. Network error handling using Indeterminate Snackbar
  3. Google Maps preview to an ImageView
  4. Navigation thru the supported/installed apps in the device.

Libraries been used:

  1. Google's volley library to initiate API calls (http://goo.gl/HJo7ni)
  2. Jakewharton's butterknife library to field and method binding for Android views (http://goo.gl/frK1sy)
  3. App supports Navigation Drawer menu using Navigation View to navigate thru Scenario 1 & 2.