
CCTV management app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CCTV management app

Easily track and manage your CCTV cameras.

cctv image


The CCTV management app is a simple management CCTV app, designed for organizations, groups, or companies to manage their CCTV cameras and provide daily reporting on the installed CCTV. Users with specific roles can register the CCTV they oversee in the system and create reports based on the events captured by the CCTV cameras daily.



Application Stacks:

  • Makefile
  • Express
  • Node JS
  • Mongo DB
  • Mongoose ODM
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


To run this app, follow this steps:

  1. Make sure you have Makefile, Docker and Docker Compose installed and configured on your system.

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/vinutama/kecilin-cctv-tht.git
  3. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd kecilin-cctv-tht
  4. Create .env file called app.env and fill the following:

     DB_NAME=You desired database name
     DB_HOST=Database hosting on docker container
     DB_USER=Database root user name
     DB_PASSWORD=Database root user password
     DB_PORT=Database Port
     BCRYPT_SALT=Your desired bcrypt salt
     JWT_SECRET=Your JWR secret
     ADMIN_USER=Default created admin username
     ADMIN_PASS=Default created admin password
     (must contains lower case, upper case, number and special character)
  5. Create .env file called db.env and fill the following:

     MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=Default DB Admin user MongoDB
     MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=Default DB Admin password MongoDB
     MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=Initialize database name that want to be created
     INIT_DB_USER=Must same with DB_USER defined on `app.env`
     INIT_DB_PASSWORD=Must same with DB_PASSWORD defined on `app.env`
  6. Open your terminal and run:

    make fresh-start

    if you want to make sure to see the logs from the server run:

    make logs-web

    Wait server's container connected to MongoDB container

  7. You are good to go! open the http://localhost:3000.

🌠 Features

  • Authentication and Authorization
  • User management (CRUD)
  • CCTV management (CRUD), pagination, filtering
  • Report management (CRUD), pagination, filtering
  • Detailed validations

📚 API docs

By default, this app created one user superadmin. The credetianls is based on value in your app.env



  • superadmin
  • admin
  • maintainer

Users API

User login (POST /api/users/login)

requestBody = {
  username: String,
          - required
  password: String,
          - required
          - minimum length 6
          - must contains uppercase, lettercase, digit and special characters

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    accessToken: "",
    id: "",
    username: "",
    role: "",

Add new user (POST /api/users)

// Need Authenticate and Only admin can add new User
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken>}

requestBody = {
  name: String,
      - required
  username: String,
      - required
      - unique
  password: String,
      - required
      - minimum length 6
      - must contains uppercase, lettercase, digit and special characters
  role: String,
      - cannot create user more than 1 role "superadmin"
      - optional by default: "maintainer"
      - if provided, validate ENUM ("superadmin", "admin", "maintainer")

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    accessToken: "",
    id: "",
    username: "",
    role: "",

Get list users (GET /api/users)

// Need Authenticate and only superadmin can get list users
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken>}

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: [
          id: "",
          name: "",
          username: "",
          password: "",
          role: "",
          createdAt: "",
          updatedAt: "",

Edit user (PATCH /api/users/:id)

// Need Authenticate and Only admin can add new User
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken>}

requestBody = {
  name: String,
      - optional
  username: String,
      - optional
      - unique
  password: String,
      - optional
      - minimum length 6
      - must contains uppercase, lettercase, digit and special characters
  role: String,
      - optional
      - cannot create user more than 1 role "superadmin"
      - optional by default: "maintainer"
      - if provided, validate ENUM ("superadmin", "admin", "maintainer")

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    accessToken: "",
    id: "",
    username: "",
    role: "",

Delete user (DELETE /api/users/:id)

// Need Authenticate and Only admin can add new User
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken>}

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    accessToken: "",
    id: "",
    username: "",
    role: "",


Add new CCTV (POST /api/cctv)

// Need Authenticate and Only superadmin || admin role can register new CCTV
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken> || <adminToken>}

requestBody = {
  model: String,
      - required
  area: String,
      - required
  ipAddress: String,
      - required
      - unique
      - must IPv4 format
  status: String,
      - optional by default: "inactive"
      - if provided, validate ENUM ("active", "inactive")
  notes: String,
      - optional

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    model: "",
    area: "",
    ipAddress: "",
    status: "",
    notes: ""
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",

Get and search CCTVs (GET /api/cctv?<req.query>)

// Need Authenticate and All user role can get and search CCTVs
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <allToken>}

  // all request query OPTIONAL
requestQuery = {
  model: String,
  Filter based on model name (case-insensitive)
  area: String,
  Filter based on area (case-insensitive)
  ipAddress: String,
  Filter based on IP address (case-insensitive)
  status: String,
  Filter based on status (case-sensitive)
  'active', 'inactive'
  sort: String,
  Will set data sorted by createdAt
  'asc', 'desc
  By default is 'desc'
  limit: Number,
  Will set limit returned row per page
  By default: 5
  offset: Number,
  Will move to the page X
  By default: 1

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: [
          id: "",
          model: "",
          area: "",
          ipAddress: "",
          status: "",
          notes: ""
          createdAt: "",
          updatedAt: "",

Get specific CCTV (GET /api/cctv/:id)

// Need Authenticate and All user role can get and search CCTVs
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <allToken>}

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
      id: "",
      model: "",
      area: "",
      ipAddress: "",
      status: "",
      notes: ""
      createdAt: "",
      updatedAt: "",

Edit CCTV data (PATCH /api/cctv/:id)

// Need Authenticate and Only superadmin || admin role can edit CCTV data
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken> || <adminToken>}

  // All request body is OPTIONAL
requestBody = {
  model: String,
      - required
  area: String,
      - required
      - unique
  ipAddress: String,
      - required
      - unique
      - must IPv4 format
  status: String,
      - optional by default: "inactive"
      - if provided, validate ENUM ("active", "inactive")
  notes: String,
      - optional

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    model: "",
    area: "",
    ipAddress: "",
    status: "",
    notes: ""
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",

Delete CCTV data (DELETE /api/cctv/:cctv_id)

  • Validation rules:
    • Can only delete when CCTV's status is inactive
// Need Authenticate and Only superadmin || admin role can delete CCTV data
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken> || <adminToken>}

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    model: "",
    area: "",
    ipAddress: "",
    status: "",
    notes: ""
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",

Reports API

Add new report (POST /api/reports)

// Need Authenticate and superadmin || admin || maintainer role can register new Report
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken> || <adminToken> || <maintainerToken>}

requestBody = {
  description: String,
      - optional
  status: String,
      - need to validated with this ENUM:
        ('investigate', 'suspicious, 'criminal_detected', 'clear')
      - by default: "investigate"

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    description: "",
    status: "",
    owner: "",
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",

Find reports on specific CCTV (GET /api/reports/all/:cctvId)

  • user role superadmin or admin it will get all user reports
  • user role maintainer it will get only owned reports
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <allToken>}

  // all request query OPTIONAL
requestQuery = {
  userId: String,
  Filter based on owner
  status: String,
  Filter based on status
  ('investigate', 'suspicious, 'criminal_detected', 'clear')
  date: String,
  Filter based on exact date with format (DDDD-MM-YY)
  ex: ?date=2024-05-11
  sort: String,
  Will set data sorted by createdAt
  'asc', 'desc
  By default is 'desc'
  limit: Number,
  Will set limit returned row per page
  By default: 5
  offset: Number,
  Will move to the page X
  By default: 1

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: [
          id: "",
          description: "",
          status: "",
          owner: "",
          createdAt: "",
          updatedAt: "",

Find specific report (GET /api/reports/:id)

requestHeaders = {Authorization: <superAdminToken> || <adminToken> || <maintainerToken>}

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    description: "",
    status: "",
    owner: "",
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",

Edit specific report (PATCH /api/reports/:id)

// Need authenticate and only report owner can edit
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <reportOwnerToken>}

requestBody = {
  description: String,
      - optional
  status: String,
      - need to validated with this ENUM:
        ('investigate', 'suspicious, 'criminal_detected', 'clear')
      - by default: "investigate"

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    description: "",
    status: "",
    owner: "",
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",

Delete specific report (PATCH /api/reports/:id)

// Need authenticate and only report owner can delete
requestHeaders = {Authorization: <reportOwnerToken>}

response = {
  message: "", // success message
  data: {
    id: "",
    description: "",
    status: "",
    owner: "",
    createdAt: "",
    updatedAt: "",