
Calculator App using Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Calculator App using Express

// go to chrome and ebter http://localhost:3000/ in address bar // 3. run nodemon calculator.js

// Make a new folder called Calculator on your Desktop // Change Directory to this new folder // Inside the Calculator folder, create a new file called calculator.js // Enter::: touch calculator.js // Set up a new NPM package // // 1. on Hyper, run::: npm init // Open the project folder in Atom // Using NPM install the express module // // 2. On Hyper: run::: npm install express // Require express in your calculator.js // Setup express // Create a root route get method with app.get() // Send the words Hello World from the root route as the response // Spin up our server on port 3000 with app.listen // // Run server with nodemon // // 3. On Hyper: run::: nodemon calculator.js

//. 4. Need to install Body Parser // run :: npm install body-parser