
🤩 Web-components made lightweight. Future-proof.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lego is a fast web-components library

LEGO: Modern Web-Components

LEGO (Lightweight Embedded Gluten-free Objects) is a NodeJS tool to build 🚀 fast, ♻️ reactive, 🏡 native web-component bricks that are easy to digest 🌱 for your browser.

Lego is inspired from the native Web-Component spec and some other libraries such as Pureact or Riot.

It's just much lighter with simplicity, source that are easy to read, hack and maintain.

Lego uses Brick to generate web-components. In Brick you would write JS and virtual-dom by hand. With lego you write HTML and CSS components in HTML files.

It will transform your HTML in Brick classes run directly in your browser.

Demo: view in actioncheckout the source

Quick start


Lego is based on npm and latest node.

You should install the package from your project folder:

npm i @polight/lego

Hello World

Create a file called bricks/hello-world.html:

  <p>Hello ${state.name}</p>

  init() { this.state = { name: "World!" } }

Run npx lego bricks for compiling

And use this file in your index.html:

<script src="./dist/index.js" type="module"></script>

Run your favorite server and open your browser. ✨

Understanding what just happened

npx lego bricks created dist/hello-world.js. Checkout that basic JS file, that's a simple Brick instance that looks like:

class HelloWorld extends Component {
  init() { this.state = { name: "World!" } }
  get vdom() {
    return ({ state }) => h('p', {}, `Hello ${state.name}`)
customElement.define('hello-world', HelloWorkd)

You don't need to understand this but if you want to know more, view how Brick works.

Reactive Advanced Web-Component Example


  <h1>${state.firstName} ${state.lastName}'s profile</h1>
  <p>Welcome ${state.firstName}!</p>
  <h3 :if="state.favorites.length">You favorite fruits:</h3>
  <p :for="fruit in state.favorites">${fruit.name} ${fruit.icon}</p>
  <button :if="!state.registered" @click="register">Register now</button>

  init() {
    this.state = {
      registered: false,
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      favorites: [{ name: 'Apple', icon: '🍎' }, { name: 'Pineapple', icon: '🍍' }]

  register() {
    this.state.registered = confirm('Do you want to register?')

Compile this component: npx lego ./bricks ./dist

Then include it in your page:


<script src="./dist/index.js" type="module"></script>

Run your page directly in your browser!

When developing you may want to automatically watch files changes. In that case pass the -w flag: npx lego -w ./bricks ./dist

Tip: you probably want to store this task with a shortcut like npm run watch. To do so just add "watch": "lego -w ./bricks ./dist" in you package.json scripts.

Understanding Webcomponents

A component can optionally have 3 parts: some HTML in a <template> tag, some JavaScript in a <script> tag and some CSS in a <style> tag.

Template tag

A template is written within a <template> tag.

It's just HTML with some empowerments for reactiveness.

These superpowers can be recognized with their : or @ prefixes.

The possible directives are:

  • :if to display a tag based on a condition
  • :for to repeat a tag
  • : to evaluate a string
  • @ to bind an event

Note that :if and :for attributes, when used in the same tag should be used with an order in mind: <a :if="user" :for="user in state.users"> won't work!

<a :for="user in users" :if="user"> will work as expected.

You may want to use :if before :for when you want the loop to happen if a condition is met before.

<a :if="state.isAdmin" :for="user in state.users"> won't loop at all for non admin.

:if Directive

Conditionally display a tag and its descendants.

Example: <p :if="state.count < 5">Less than 5</p> will be displayed if the condition is met.

:for Directive

Repeat a tag based on a property.

The syntax is as follow: :for="item in state.items". The item value will be available trough ${item} within the loop.

If you need an incremental index i, use :for="item, i in state.items".

Example: <li :for="attendee in state.attendees">${attendee}</li> with a state as this.state = { attendees: ['John', 'Mary'] } will display <li>John</li><li>Mary</li>

: Custom Directive

A custom directive will interpret in JS whatever you pass as value.

  <a :href="this.getUrl('144')">Visit Profile</a>
  getUrl(id) { return `/user/${id}` }


<a href="/user/144">Visit Profile</a>

Boolean attributes

Example: <input type=checkbox :checked="state.agreed" :required="state.mustAgree">. With the following state: this.state = { agreed: false, mustAgree: true } would render <input type=checkbox required="required">.

@ Directive for binding Events

  <button @click="sayHi" name="the button">click</button>

  sayHi(event) {
    alert(`${event.target.getAttribute('name')} says hi! 👋🏼`)

Reactive Properties

The state is where the reactiveness takes place.

declare a state object in the init() function with default values:

init() {
  this.state = {
    user: { firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe' },
    status: "Happy 😄"

Whenever registered, user, or some user property will change, the component will be automagically updated!

Displaying a state value is as simple as writing ${state.theValue} in your HTML.

Component Attributes

Attributes declared on the components will be all be accessible through the state. If the property is initialized in the this.state, the attribute will be reactive:

<x-user status="thinking 🤔"><x-user>

status will therefore be reactive and the thinking 🤔 attribute value will overwrite the Happy 😄 default status.

A property that is not declared in the state won't be reactive. It can be accessed through this.getAttribute(). sAfter all, don't forget that these components are native! 🏡


Slots are part of the native web-component. Because Lego builds native web-components, you can use the standard slots as documented.



  <span>This user is in Paris</span>


  <h1>User profile</h1>
  <p>important information: <slot></slot></p>

Will write …<p>important information: <span>This user is in Paris</span></p>

See more advanced examples.

Reactive CSS Style

CSS is much more fun when it's scoped. Here it come with the web-components.

Here again, no trick, just the full power of web-components and scoping styles. Well, you should know that the css is reactive too! 😲

Writing CSS is as easy as


  init() {
    this.state = { fontScale: 1 }

  :host {
    font-size: ${state.fontScale}rem;
  h1 {
    padding: 1rem;
    text-align: center;


:host is a native selector for web-components. It allows to select the current component itself.


You can use variables in your CSS just like in your templates.


  this.state.color = '#357';
  h1 {
    color: ${ this.color };

will apply the #357 color onto h1.


npx lego <source_path> <target_file_path>

Would compile the source_path file or folder (recursively) into target_file_path js file.

As mentioned before, when developing you probably want to watch for changes with the -w option: npx lego -w <source_path> <target_file_path>

source_path: either a file or a directory (relative or absolute). If it's a directory, it will recursively read all the .html files and compile them into the target_file.

target_file_path: (default: components.js) the path (relative or absolute) to a .js file. That file will be created and contain all the components.

Naming a Component

The name of the file will be the name of the component.

Example: components/x-button.html will create <x-button> component.

Using a Component as a Module

Importing external libraries is made easily possible with modules. Lego offers a shorthand writing by default that don't permit importing script by default. However you can easily break off the shorthand and use explicit writing.

In order to do that, you need the following parts:

  • <script type="module"> to declare a module writing
  • import { Component } from 'https://unpkg.com/@polight/brick/lib' to extend the Component class
  • class MyComponentName extends Component for a component called my-component-name in a file called my-component-name.html

The rest of the documentation applies to modules as they do for shorthand script writing.


  <button @click="toggleText">${state.text}</button>

<script type="module">
  import { Component } from 'https://unpkg.com/@polight/brick/lib'
  import { myFunction } from 'my/library/file.js'

  class XButton extends Component {
    init () { this.state = { text: "button says hello" } }

    toggleText() {
      this.state.text = myFunction("You clicked me!")

Caveats and Gotchas

Naming a Component

Because it builds native web-components, the naming convention must respect the ones from the standards (lowercase, with a dash in the name, starting with a letter, …)


Running tests CircleCI

Just install node dev dependencies (npm install) and run the tests (npm test).

Under the hood

Native web-components

Because Lego is actual native web-components, all its native possibilities (like slots), :host and whatever exists or will exist are on board.

Browser compatibility

Lego is based on native customElements. Support for customElement is spreading and shall increase in time.

When building a web-app you may have control of the browsers. If you're building a more general website you may need to increase the overall browser compatibility and install the custom-element polyfill.


It is still fully compatible with native custom elements. No magic behind the scene, no complexity, just a couple of useful methods to write native web-components easier.

Using a compiled component has no dependency, nothing extra injected in the browser. Compiling depends on jsdom.

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