
Drag and drop an image to replace one in a webpage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pictup.js, drap and drop an image to replace it

Drag an image from your desktop. Drop in on another image in a website. Boom, it's replaced! 8th Wonder of the world!

Example in the demo

Let's show off with the demo!


Add Pictup to your scripts:



Load Pictup on an image DOM:

<img src="/my/default/image.png" />

  var img = document.querySelector('img');
  new Pictup(img);

Now open you favorite browser and drag an image from your desktop onto the displayed image.


These options are available:

  • resize: should the image be resized? defaults to true
  • replace: should the dropped image replace the existing image? defaults to true
  • maxwidth: if resized, what is the maimum width?
  • maxheight: if resized, what is the maimum height?


  • ready: triggered when the image is loaded and resized (if applicable)