
My Internet radio based on a RaspDAC from Audiophonics

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

radiogaga - an Ansible role to setup my RaspDAC

License: MIT

The RaspDAC from Audiophonics is a network audio player build around a Raspberry Pi. There is many software solutions to bring it to life: Volumeio, piCorePlayer, RuneAudio and others.

Radiogaga is my own solution made with Ansible, Alpine Linux, radiogagad and ❤️.

See raspi-ansible for the playbook used to manage my RaspDAC.


Thanks to Alpine Linux the SD Card is mounted read only. To store MPD database and a large music collection, a USB key can optionaly be used to be mounted read-write.

The USB key format have to be done manually, I choose to use F2FS:

mkfs.f2fs -l USBKEY /dev/sda

Role Variables

dac: "SabreES9023"

The type of DAC in the RaspDAC.

mpd_rootdir: "/etc/mpd"

Directory for mpd database and Playlists & Music directories, overriden when usbkey_enabled: true.

playlists: ""

List of specifications for playlists in format: {file: "...", name: "...", url: "http://..."}.

radiogagad_enabled: true
radiogagad_configuration: ""

Controls radiogagad install and setup:

  • when set to false, only a init script to start mpd play is installed.
  • otherwise installs last published version of radiogagad.

radiogagad_configuration can be used to define content of /etc/radiogagad.yml (see radiogagad.yml.template for file format).

rc_parallel: false

Enable OpenRC parallel boot.

usbkey_enabled: true
usbkey_label: ""
usbkey_mnt: ""

Enables USB key use and defines filesystem label and mount point.

wifi_enabled: false

Controls wifi activation in firmware.