
Solr-Integration into Symfony2 and Doctrine2

Primary LanguagePHP

This Bundle provides a simple API to index and query a Solr Index.



Follow the installation instructions in this Tutorial


	sudo pecl install -n solr-beta


  1. Register bundle in AppKernel.php

    # app/AppKernel.php
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new FS\SolrBundle\FSSolrBundle(),
        // ...
  2. Add Bundle to autoload

    # app/autoload.php
        // ...
        'FS' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
        // ...


You have to setup the connection options

	# app/config/config.yml
			hostname: localhost
			port: 8983
		entity_manager: default 

Multiple connections are planed.


To put an entity to the index, you must add some annotations to your entity:

	// your Entity

	// ....
	use FS\SolrBundle\Doctrine\Annotation as Solr;
	 * @Solr\Document(repository="Full\Qualified\Class\Name")
	 * @ORM\Table()
	class Post
		 * @Solr\Id
		 * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
		 * @ORM\Id
		 * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
		private $id;

		 * @Solr\Field(type="string")
		 * @ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255)
		private $title = '';

		 * @Solr\Field(type="string")
		 * @ORM\Column(name="text", type="text")
		private $text = '';

		 * @Solr\Field(type="date")
		 * @ORM\Column(name="created_at", type="datetime")
		private $created_at = null;

If you persist this entity, it will put automaticlly to the index. Update and delete happens automatically too.

To query the index you have to call some services.

	$query = $this->get('solr')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
	$query->addSearchTerm('title', 'my title');
	$result = $query->getResult();

The $result array contains all found entities. The solr-service does all mappings from SolrDocument to your entity for you. In this case only the fields id and text will be mapped (addField()), so title and created_at will be empty. If nothing was found $result is empty.

If no field was explict add, all fields will be mapped.

	$query = $this->get('solr')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
	$query->addSearchTerm('title', 'my title');
	$result = $result = $query->getResult();

The pervious examples have queried only the field 'title'. You can also query all fields with a string.

	$query = $this->get('solr')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
	$query->queryAllFields('my title);
	$result = $query->getResult();

To index your entities manually, you can do it the following way:


The delete action needs the id of the entity.

If you specify your own repository you must extend the FS\SolrBundle\Repository\Repository class. The useage is the same like Doctrine-Repositories:

$myRepository = $this->get('solr')->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
$result = $myRepository->mySpecialFindMethod();

If you haven't declared a concrete repository in your entity and you calling $this->get('solr')->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:Post'), you will get an instance of FS\SolrBundle\Repository\Repository.


There are comming two commands with this bundle:

  • solr:index:clear - delete all documents in the index
  • solr:synchronize - synchronize the db with the index. You have to specify an entity.