
OpenMetaverse Toolkit Library

Primary LanguageC++

The OpenMetaVerse ToolKit Library 

The OpenMetaVerse ToolKit Library is a Library for accessing virtual worlds
such as Second Life Grid(TM) [1] created by Linden Lab/Linden Research, Inc[2],
and OpenSim based virtual worlds such as OSgrid[3] and Openlife grid[4]

Our main target is to offer an API for compiled languages such as C or C++
Whilst the core is developed in C++ and the latest API our plan is to offer
a C API to this library so it will be easily possible to created bindings
for other languages such as Python, Perl, Ruby, Pascal, Delphi a.s.o.

The library will be licensed under the BSD-3 license to offer unrestricted
use of the library to anyone.

The source code repository for this project is hosted at 
http://github.com/vinzenz/libomvtk and we're using git as VCS

Please feel free to report any bugs or feature wishes to us, or if you 
want to contribute let us know we'd love to support you with all our
knowledge :-)

-- The OpenMetaVerse ToolKit Library Team

[1] http://secondlife.com
[2] http://lindenlab.com
[3] http://www.osgrid.org
[4] http://www.openlifegrid.org