
Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Next Generation of Testing



Geordi Test Framework is a Kotlin-based testing framework that leverages JUnit 5's TestTemplate feature for dynamic and parameterized testing. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, it supports file-based and parameter-based scenarios, making it ideal for a wide range of testing needs. Inspired by Spock, this framework aims to provide a similar level of testing power and flexibility in a more lightweight and Kotlin-friendly package.


  • ๐Ÿš€ Dynamic Test Creation: Generate multiple test cases from compact scenario definitions.
  • ๐Ÿ“ File-Based Testing: Easily define tests that rely on file inputs and expected outputs.
  • ๐Ÿ”ข Parameter-Based Testing: Create tests with varying parameters, including complex objects and data types.
  • ๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ Custom Scenario Management: Utilize SimulationGroup for organized scenario handling.
  • ๐Ÿงช JUnit 5 Integration: Seamlessly integrates with JUnit 5's advanced testing features.

Getting Started


  • Kotlin (or Java)
  • JUnit 5
  • Java 11 (Minumum)


Will be in maven soon.

Setting Up Scenarios

Define your scenarios using SimulationGroup. Example:

private val FILE_BASED_SCENARIOS = SimulationGroup
    .vars("scenario", "scenarioFile",         "expectedFile")
    .with("full",     "full_scenario.txt",    "full_expected.json")
    .with("partial",  "partial_scenario.txt", "partial_expected.json")

In order for the scenarios to get picked up by the framework, you have to do a small bit of setup in your test class.

companion object {
    fun setup() = setup<UnitTestExample>(
        FILE_BASED_SCENARIOS to { ::`show file based test` },
        PARAMETER_BASED_SCENARIOS to { ::`show parameter based test` }

Add this companion object which uses the SimulationGroups you want to test, as well as the test function it should use. The test function should be a function that takes the same number of parameters as the number of variables in the SimulationGroup. The parameters should be in the same order as the variables in the SimulationGroup.

The { ::show file based test } format basically provides a function where the parameter is an instance of this class. That gives access to the available functions on that class. It is the same as { this::show file based test }

Writing Test Templates

Create test templates in your test classes using the @TestTemplate annotation. Example:

fun `show file based test`(scenarioFile: String, expectedFile: String) {
    // Test logic here

Using UnitSim

UnitSim is a utility class that provides a number of useful functions for testing.

At a high level, it has functionality to test individual methods, which also have pre-made functions belonging to them. This can be used either with or without TestTemplates. It allows for mocking utilizing the Mockk library.

Full documentation will be available at geordi.violabs.io soon.

class Example : UnitSim() {
    fun `test method`() = test {
        expect { 2 }
        whenever { 1 + 1 }

Running Tests

Run your tests as you would with any standard JUnit 5 setup.


See UnitTestExample.kt for detailed examples of file-based and parameter-based tests.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


  • The JUnit 5 Team for their extensive and well-documented testing framework.
  • The Spock Framework for their elegant and powerful testing framework.
  • Mockk for their excellent mocking library.
  • Mockito for their excellent mocking library.

Road Map

  • Setup Maven Central publishing
  • Java integration support (mostly there probably)
  • Integration testing support
    • Spring Boot
    • Managed test scenario support (Docker)
  • Asynchronous testing support

Missing a feature?

If you have a feature request, please open an issue and we'll see what we can do!


  • Documentation
  • More examples
  • Signify skipped tests when isolated or ignored
  • A way to take a class and break it into the params.