Supermomos's homework

Brief overview of how I did this homework


The homework requirement is using Next.js/React, Typescript to build a Create Social features, which allow users to create/host a new event.

Assumption from design system/mock up.

Looking at Figma mock up, this feature is a form with multiple and different kinds of fields. We have input, datepicker, dialog to choose banner from, textarea to fill in description, radio group to pick one of three privacy setting for event, custom select for picking tags.

Design system

The design system consists of 4 brand colors: purple, yellow, darkblue and teal.

Font family uses in the feature is Inter with base size 16px, 4px grid scaling.

Framework of choice

After much consideration, I choose @radix-ui, tailwindcss and @mantine/form to build .

  • @radix-ui is a unstyled, accessible set of components for building high-quality design system and web apps in React. It provides most common UI patterns like checkbox, dialog, label and give us complete control over it styling. These components will be basic blocks to build the feature upon.

  • tailwindcss is my preferred framework for styling. It's a atomic, utility-first css framework, its provide us a predefined design token, which is easy to define project colors, fonts, spacing, to enable fast prototyping feature.

  • @radix-ui, tailwindcss pair together can give me enough flexible to recreate figma mock up in a fast and reliable way.

  • @mantine/form is the form validation library i choose for this feature. It's simple, small, versatile with basic validation, error handling and easily integrate with @radix-ui

There're several alternative such as @charka-ui, @mantine but i find it hard to customize to fit the mockup and also come with big bundle size. Overall, @radix-ui and tailwindcss give far more flexible in term of styling and composing components to build the feature.

Project Structure

├── features             			<- features components 
│  └── create-social
│     ├── banner-dialog.tsx
│     ├── create-form.tsx
│     ├── fetch.ts
│     ├── tag-select.tsx
│     └── types.ts
├── pages           						<- next's specific dir
│  ├── _app.tsx
│  ├── _document.tsx
│  ├── api
│  │  └── create.ts 						<- api route to call mock api 
│  └── index.tsx
├── styles
│  └── globals.css
└── ui                 					<- reusable/styled components
   ├── badge.tsx
   ├── checkbox.tsx
   ├── icons.tsx
   ├── input.tsx
   └── radiogroup.tsx
  • feature folder will hold all the feature of application. type and fetch will also colocated here.

  • ui folder will hold most of resuable/styled components to build features

  • pages is Next'js route and api