
Unwanted cursor homing after using a dead-key

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am a secondary user of VAqua, as a user of FreePlane (, and I am a fan of the VAqua interface which brings a decent OSX file-chooser.

But as French speaker (and typer) a small bug in the library, or in the implementation ?, makes it barely usable :

  • in a standard text window, whenever I use a dead key, such as “alt-e e” (to get a “é”), I get the requested character, but the next key is ignored, and the cursor jumps to the beginning of the text field.
  • in the file chooser, I observe the same behaviour, except that the second key is not ignored.
    So I have to force myself to move the cursor back after every accented character.

I am no programmer in Java, so it would take me too much time to set up an environment to play around, but the bug can be easily found by:

  • installing the latest version of freeplane (,
  • opening the preference pane (Meta-,) and in the "Appearance" pane change the default "Look and Feel" to VAqua", closing
  • making a new map (Meta-N), and by double clinking on the central node, editing it. Type "abcd alt-e e 123"
  • Meta-S brings in the file chooser. Type the same sequence.
    The developer is very responsive, but send me back to you on this specific issue.

Have a nice day,
Vincent Boudry.

Thanks !
When do you plan the next release ?

The fix is available in release 11.