Short Description

My project looks into featured correlated with sentence length by modeling chinese court documents web scraped from The following features are extracted for modeling: amount of fine, accusation types, relevant articles, keywords selected from case description.


Python 3.7.1, Anaconda distribution. tools overview



Since GitHub does not support files larger than 100MB, the following are only subsets (generated from random sampling) of original data. Email for more!

  1. 01-web-scraping-raw-data: Contains ~ 20 sample raw json files (one case per json) web scraped from Those files are collected via 01-web-scraping.ipynb. ¶Note that as of 12/06, the code is no longer working due to a major upgrade against web scraping from wenshu.

  2. 02-compiled-data-500.csv: Contains 500 cases compiled and cleaned from 02-data-pre-processing.ipynb. It is a random sample from 150,000 cases fed to the model. dataset construction

  3. 03-tokenized-data-500.csv: Contains 500 cases tokenized using package Jiaba from 02-data-pre-processing.ipynb. It is a random sample from 150,000 cases fed to the model. tokenizing

  4. 04-cleaned-data-500.csv: Contains 500 cases with stopwords and other stuffs removed from 02-pre-processing.ipynb. It is a random sample from 150,000 cases fed to the model. remove stopwords


  1. 01-web-scraping.ipynb: Web scraped data from and exports raw json files into directory 01-web-scraping-raw-data The basic design is to query keywords to get document id, then download json files using document id. web scraping

  2. 02-data-pre-processing.ipynb: Load and compile json files, melt several columns and save as 02-compiled-data.csv. Tokenize fact column using package Jiaba, save as 03-tokenized-data.csv. Remove stopwords and other stuffs, save as 04-cleaned-data.csv. Note GitHub versions of those data csvs are 02-compiled-500.csv, 03-tokenized-data-500.csv, 04-cleaned-data-500.csv.

  3. 03-modeling.ipynb: Conduct descriptive analysis of the data and filter out cases with dealth_penalty and life_imprisonment. Trained a Linear Regression using accusation types, relevant articles, and keywords selected from case description. modeling overview


  1. model_result.png: Visualization of model's prediction of sentence length to actual model performance
  2. final-presentation.pdf: Slides for final presentation. Detailed data collection, dataset construction, analysis, modeling and tools overviews can be found at the slides.

More Information


Tons of thanks for developers on GitHub, stackoverflow, and CSDN who also work on wenshu website. Web scraping part of the project has been very challenging and my data collection cannot possibly be accomplished without their support.