
docker build agent

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


bob (the builder) (no affiliation) is an extremely dumb "CI." he has one job: pulling (primarily rust) repositories down and building docker images from them.

bob the builder (the show)'s target audience is children and so it only talks in terms a child can understand. likeways, please expect bob (the CI) to only be capable of what a 5 year old with a laptop and a very patient parent can do.

worth noting: though bob is async, it only processes one repo at a time.


my macbook is an M1. generally it can build things for amd64 just fine. rust is an exception, due to cargo being a memory hog and docker buildx being experimental and sometimes outright bad.

i could just use github actions to build docker images for amd64 but this sounded miles more fun to make.

config (env)

name what is it default
WATCH_USERS users to watch None (panic)
DOCKER_USERNAME docker registry username None (panic)
DOCKER_TOKEN docker registry token None (panic)
GITHUB_TOKEN github personal access token None (panic)
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_ID id of discord webhook None (panic)
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_TOKEN token of discord webhook None (panic)
WEBHOOK_TOKEN token for webhook None (disabled)
WEBHOOK_URLS comma-delim'd URL to send info to after successful build None (disabled)




there is none