
Testing MRPT algorithm with the ultra-high-dimensional Ecoli genome data set.

Primary LanguageC++


Installing C++ tools


Local scripts

Scripts that can be used to run C++ tools locally

./prepare_data.sh <zip-file> <data-name>

  • Unzip data from zip-file (give full path of the zip file), preprocess it for fsm-lite, and save the files to data/data-name
  • Removes spades.fa - files, and renames rest fasta-files into f0001, f0002,...
  • Outputs the names of the original files as data_name_file_list into the data directory.

./read_kmers.sh <data-name> <n-points>

  • Wrapper for fsm-lite, reads kmers counts into the sparse matrix data/<data-name><n_points>/<data-name><n_points>.mat from the specified fasta-files, that reside in the directory data/data-name.
  • Argument data-name is the name of the data set, for example Ecol.
  • Argument n_points controls how many first points you want to read, for example 250.
  • Creates for example file data/Ecol250/Ecol250.mat.

./writer.sh <data-name> <n_train> <n_test> <counts>

  • Divides the data set into a training set with n_train points and test set with n_test points and writes these to directory data/data-name/ as files train.bin and test.bin. Dimensions of the data set are written to dimensions.sh. Wrapper for binary_writer/binary_writer.
  • Assumes that the data set with n_points points is written by read_kmers.
  • Argument counts controls if the kmer counts (counts=1) in samples are written, or only binary (counts=0) yes/no (kmer is in sample or not).

./comparison.sh <data-name> <n> <postfix>

  • Run exact k-NN search and approximate k-NN search with the MRPT algorithm.
  • Wrapper for exact/tester and mrpt/mrpt_comparison.
  • Assumes that the parameters of the test run are saved in the file parameters/<data-name><n><postfix>.sh or parameters/<data-name><n>.sh (parameter <postfix> is optional).
  • If data set (such as mnist) name has no sample size, you can give empty string ("") as the second argument n.
  • Saves results into a directory results/<data-name><n><postfix> (or into parameters/<data-name><n>, respectively).

./file_finder.sh <data_name> <k>

  • write nearest neighbors of test set to file
  • k is number of nearest neighbors written
  • exact results should exist in results/data-name-exact/truth_k-file
  • results (one file for each of the point of the test set) are written into the directory results/data-name-exact/file_names

SLURM wrappers

For SLURM scripts remember to set

  • upper limit for memory, for example 5 gigabytes: #SBATCH --mem=5G
  • upper limit for computing time, for example one hour: #SBATCH --time=01:00:00

Scripts that can be used to run the C++ tools in SLURM system are in the directory wrapper-SLURM:

prepare_data_slurm.sh <zip-file> <data-name>

  • Slurm wrapper for prepare_data.sh.

read_kmers_slurm.sh <data-name> <n-points>

  • Wrapper for fsm-lite, has same arguments as read_kmers.sh.
  • Set variable BASE_DIR to your local clone of this repo, for example BASE_DIR=/home/mydir/genome_test

writer_slurm.sh <data-set-name> <n_train> <n_test> <counts>

  • Wrapper for binary_writer/binary_writer, same functionality as writer.sh.
  • Set variable BASE_DIR to your local clone of this repo, for example BASE_DIR=/home/mydir/genome_test
  • For Ecol data set with 1500 points #SBATCH --mem=150G and #SBATCH --time=02:00:00 are good values.

comparison_slurm.sh <data-name> <n> <postfix>

  • Wrapper for exact/tester and mrpt/mrpt_comparison, same functionality as comparison.sh.
  • Set variable BASE_DIR to your local clone of this repo, for example BASE_DIR=/home/mydir/genome_test

Plot results

python plot.py <k> results/<result-name1>/mrpt.txt results/<result-name2>/mrpt.txt

  • plots running time vs. accuracy for k-nn queries.
  • one line for each of the results file.
  • uses sparsity values (expected proportion of the non-zero components in the random vectors) in the legend.
  • configuration is done straight to the script:
    • n_test : test set size.
    • legend : draw legend or not.
    • save : is file saved into a file called file_name or showed.
    • log : is the scale of y-axis logarithmic or linear
    • set_ylim : is the limit of y axis set to ylim, or show all data points.
    • legend_label : which attribute is used for legend; current choices are sparsity, depth, and filename.
    • show_title : add title given by the argument title to plots.
    • exact_time : time of exact search for one query point.

Misc scripts


  • load mnist data set into data/mnist/ for testing.
  • converts it into binary form (float array in saved in col-major form, dimension of data is d = 784).
  • loads the whole data set (data.bin), and divides it into a training set (train.bin) and a test set (test.bin); the test set has TEST_N = 100 points the and training set has 59900 points with this value of TEST_N.

Test github pages

Link to the automatically generated documentation