The Fibonacci heap is a heap data structure with the best amortized running time. It was developed by Michael L. Fredman and Robert E. Tarjan in 1984. The running time of Dijkstra's algorithm can be improved to O(|E| + |V| log |V|) by using a Fibonacci heap.
composer require mathieuviossat/fibonacci-heap
"require": {
"mathieuviossat/fibonacci-heap": "~1.0.0"
use MathieuViossat\Util\FibonacciHeap;
$movies = new FibonacciHeap();
$movies->insert(4, 'The Phantom Menace');
$movies->insert(5, 'Attack of the Clones');
$movies->insert(6, 'Revenge of the Sith');
$movies->insert(1, 'A New Hope');
$movies->insert(2, 'The Empire Strikes Back');
$movies->insert(3, 'Return of the Jedi');
$movies->insert(7, 'The Force Awakens');
while ($movie = $movies->extractMin())
echo $movie->getKey() . ' - ' . $movie->getData() . PHP_EOL;
Returns the element with the lowest key, or null if the heap is empty.
Complexity: Θ(1)
Inserts $data with the priority $key in the heap and return the element.
Complexity: Θ(1)
Deletes the element with the lowest priority from the heap and return it.
Amortized complexity: O(log n)
Replaces $element's key by $key. $key must be lower than the old key.
Amortized complexity: Θ(1)
Deletes $element from the heap.
Amortized complexity: O(log n)
Merges the both heaps. I recommend to only use one of them after that.
Complexity: Θ(1)
Retuns true if the heap is empty, false otherwise.
Complexity: Θ(1)
Retuns the number of elements in the heap.
Complexity: Θ(1)
Removes all elements from the heap.
Complexity: Θ(1)
This library is published under The MIT License.