
List of abbreviations used within the FOSS community, and their definitions and usages.

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FOSS Community Acronyms

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List of abbreviations used within the FOSS community, and their definitions and usages. This list inludes more common english acronyms popular on internet.

Maintained by folks at D-EDGE.


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ACKACKnowledgementAgreed/accepted change. A loose ACK can be confusing. It's best to avoid them unless it's a documentation/comment only change in which case there is nothing to test/verify; therefore the tested/untested distinction is not thereHumanizer, Bitcoin
AFAICTAs Far As I Can Tell
AFAIKAs Far As I KnowDiffract
AOAAnalysis of Alternatives/r/programming
ASAPAs Soon As PossibleIt is an informal way to say that who wrote it is busy at the moment and will reply as soon as he can.Britannica
BBLBrown Bag LunchIt is an informal training meeting usually performed during lunch. It is a nice way to share knowledge, train on technical, business or any kind of skills. The speaker does not have to be an expert of the topic.brownbaglunch on Github (French)
CCWComment and Criticism Welcome
CLAContributor License AgreementPlay Framework, Microsoft
CMVChange My View
CoCCode of Conduct
Concept ACKConcept ACKnowledgementAgree with the idea and overall direction, but haven't reviewed the code changes or tested themBitcoin
DRYDon't Repeat YourselfThis is used in couple with modular programming, and emphasize on code reusabilityWikipedia
ETAEstimated Time of ArrivalTo ask when something will be ready/r/fsharp
FOSS/FLOSSFree & Open Source SoftwareThat is both free software and open-source software where anyone is freely licensed to use, copy, study, and change the software in any way, and the source code is openly shared so that people are encouraged to voluntarily improve the design of the softwareFOSS/FLOSS
FOUCFlash Of Unstyled ContentWhen a web page appears briefly with the browser's default styles prior to loading an external CSS stylesheetmd-block, Wikipedia
FPFunctional Programming
FYIFor Your InformationArduPilot, F#'s slack
IANALI Am Not A LawyerUsed often before talking about licensing issuesHackerNews, CUPS
ICYMIIn Case You Missed It
IIRCIf I Recall Correctly
IMOIn My Opinion
ITTIn This Thread
KISSKeep It Simple, StupidKISS is a design principle stating that most systems work fine if it is built/kept simple than making the system complex.Wikipedia
LGTMLooks Good To MeSee ACKCardidy, Simple Icons, proposal-array-grouping
LOC/SLOC(Source) Lines Of CodeAbove each file on GitHub you can find something like `50 lines (43 sloc)`. The difference is the empty lines.GitHub
MPAMulti-Page Application/r/web_design
MRMerge RequestSee PR
MVPMinimum Viable ProductA prototype version of a product with the minimum required feature setWikipedia
NACK/NAKNegative ACKnowledgementDisagree with the code changes/concept. Should be accompanied by an explanationBitcoin
NIHNot Invented HereNIH Syndrome is a decision-making error where we tend to value our own ideas above those conceived by people outside of our grouplearnosity
NPNo ProblemNo stress, it is fine
OOPObject Oriented Programming
OPOriginal Post/Original PosterOriginal Poster (who started a thread) or Original Post (the message that started it)/r/ProgrammerHumor, StackExchange
PRPull RequestTell others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository/r/vuejs
RFCRequest For Comments
RTFMRead The F*****g ManualOriginally a way for the _gurus_ to get rid of trivial questions from newbies, now a humble way to state that a mistake or a waste of time can be avoided by reading the freaking manual first (assuming it exists).XKCD comic, Github commits
SCMSource Code ManagementSee VCS
SOLIDSingle responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion5 (of many) software design principles, promoted by Robert "Uncle Bob" MartinWikipedia
SPASingle-Page Application/r/web_design
SRPSingle-Responsibility PrincipleThe single-responsibility principle is a computer-programming principle that states that every module, class or function in a computer program should have responsibility over a single part of that program's functionality, and it should encapsulate that part. wikipedia/r/csharp/
TBDTo Be Defined/DoneSoftware Craft Website
tested ACKTested ACKnowledgmentReviewed the code changes and have verified the functionality or bug fixBitcoin
TILToday I LearnedTIL that TIL is Today I Learned/r/ProgrammerTIL/
TYSMThank You So MuchCyber Definitions
utACKUnTested ACKnowledgmentReviewed and agree with the code changes but haven't actually tested themBitcoin
VCSVersion Control SoftwareA way to keep a track of the changes in the code so that if something goes wrong, we can make comparisons in different code versions and revert to any previous version that we want. Git, SVN or Mercurial are VCS/r/ProgrammerHumor, softwaretestinghelp.com
WIPWork In ProgressDo not merge yetGitLab's blog
YAGNIYou Ain't Gonna Need It
YMMVYour Mileage May Vary

Common chat acronyms

IKRI know, right
ILYI love you
LMFAOLaughing my freaking *a* off
LMKLet me know
NVMNever mind
OFCOf course
ROFLRolling on floor laughing
SMHShaking my head
STFUShut the *freak* up
YOLOYou only live once

Communities, Companies, Organizations

AbbreviationMeaningURLWhat they do
FSFFree Software Foundationhttps://www.fsf.orgOversee a number of open source organizations
GHGitHubhttps://github.comSource code host, owned by Microsoft
GNUCollection of free software, a licensehttps://gnu.orgprogram of FSF, develops many linux tools and a commonly used license
MSMicrosofthttps://microsoft.comMakers of windows, azure, vscode, and other tools that might be relevent to developers
OSIOpen Source Initiativehttps://opensource.orgDefining 'Open Source'
SOStackOverflowhttps://stackoverflow.comPopular question and answer website


ELKElasticsearch, Logstash, and KibanaWhat is the ELK Stack?
LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Perl or Python)
LEMPLinux, Nginx Server, MySQL, PHP (Perl or Python)
MEANMongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js
MERNMongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js
SAFESuave (or Saturn), Azure, Fable, Elmish/r/fsharp