
Cannot find a perfect clipboard manager so I'm writing my own. This tool is written with .Net 4.5 and runs on Windows.

Primary LanguageC#


Cannot find a perfect clipboard manager so I'm writing my own. This tool is written with .Net 4.5 and runs on Windows.

The tool monitors system keyboard events and copies text from system clipboard when a "Copy" is performed.


  • Click on an item to copy the text to system clipboard and trigger Ctrl+V
  • Right click an item to save it to the frequently used items list on the top
  • Right click and click remove to remove the selected item
  • Minimize to hide the tool to system tray
  • Ctrl+Space to bring the tool up
  • Clicking on an item also hide the tool to system tray


Data Storage

By default, your saved text snippets are stored in %APPDATA%\Clipboard\content.csv. This file will be created if it not exists, yet. If you like to use another file in another location see Configuration.


You can configure ClipBoard Manager start on Windows startup. See Configuration.


To open the configuration dialog right click on the window minimize icon (top right). The configuration dialog will show. By default settings are stored in %APPDATA%\Clipboard\clipboard.settings. This file will be created if it not exists. If you like to use another location and file you can pass it as the first parameter when calling ClipBoard.exe

ClipBoard.exe D:\MyClipboard\custom.settings

Note: This is a breaking change from former versions. First command line argmunent has been used to select a differnt content file. If you like to continue to use a content file in a custom location you now have to set this via configuration dialog.

Option "ContentFile"

Default: %APPDATA%\Clipboard\content.csv

Path and filename of the file where your ClipBoard content will be saved.

Option "MaxItemsInFrequentList"

Default: 10

Number of items which are shown in the frequent list. Set this to 0 to disable this feature.

Option "HotKey"

Default: Space

ModifierKeys + HotKey will open ClipBoard Manager window when minimized. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/system.windows.forms.keys(v=vs.110).aspx for available keys (case sensitive!). For modifier keys see options UseCtrlKey, UseShiftKey, UseAltKey and UseWindowsKey.

Option "UseCtrlKey"

Default: true

Use CTRL key as modifier key to open ClipBoard Manager window.

Option "UseShiftKey"

Default: false

Use SHIFT key as modifier key to open ClipBoard Manager window.

Option "UseAltKey"

Default: false

Use ALT key as modifier key to open ClipBoard Manager window.

Option "UseWindowsKey"

Default: false

Use WINDOWS key as modifier key to open ClipBoard Manager window.

Option "RunOnStartup"

Default: false

Set true if Clipboard Manager should run on Windows startup.

Option "StartMinimized"

Default: false

Set true if Clipboard Manager should run minimized after start.

Option "MaxCopyTextLength"

Default: false

Text with more chars than this value won't be handled by ClipBoard.


For debugging reasons some log entries are implemented. By default no log file is written. To configure log file open the NLog.config file and uncomment the line

<!--<logger name="*" writeTo="logfile" />-->

This will enable the log file in %APPDATA%/ClipBoard/clipboard.log.


ClipBoard Manager is a portable application. When deploying you need to ship at least the following files:

  • ClipBoard.exe
  • Dapplo.Log.dll
  • FMUtils.KeyboardHook.dll
  • NLog.dll
  • WindowsInput.dll
  • NLog.config (optional)
