Next.js with Serenity/JS and Cucumber Tutorial

Welcome to the Next.js with Serenity/JS and Cucumber tutorial repository!

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to integrate Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) scenarios into a Next.js project using Serenity/JS and Cucumber. We build upon the concepts covered in the component testing tutorial using Serenity/JS and Playwright.

Tutorial Overview

  • Component Testing: The tutorial begins with a demonstration of component testing using Serenity/JS and Playwright. We show how to test a simple component, which in this case, simulates a coffee counter for controlling coffee consumption.

  • Integrating BDD Scenarios: Following the component testing, we dive into integrating BDD scenarios into the project. We utilize Serenity/JS BDD features and Cucumber to write user scenarios that run alongside component tests. This allows for comprehensive testing of both individual components and user interactions.

Getting Started

To follow along with the tutorial, you can clone this repository and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd next-sjs-ct-cucumber-tutorial
npm install

Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

Running the Tests

To run the BDD tests, execute the following command:

npm run test:cucumber

This will execute the Cucumber tests and generate a BDD report in the target/site folder.