
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT




Overall Architecture


VoluntàrIA és una plataforma que vota per l'ajuda organitzada enfront la crisi del COVID-19. Ofereix una aplicació que proporciona informació detallada sobre les ONGs que l'usuari té a prop i permet realitzar donacions de forma senzilla i segura. A més, fa possible una comunicació senzilla entre usuaris i ONGs en cas de que es vulgui participar activament amb l’entitat.


VoluntàrIA it's a platform that vows for organized help against the COVID-19 crisis. It offers a web application that gives detailed information about NGOs and non-profits close to the user, allowing them to donate, volunteer and contact these entities on the touch of a button. All the payments are secured using Stripe and Google's Technology.



The application was developed using the Glide platform, which allows to deploy an app to the market in record time. It connect to a private Google Sheets that contains information about volunteering organizations. We connected our Stripe account to allow for payments, which arrives at our bank account which is an US-based account through TransferWise.

The design and view model has been based upon this Glide template: COVID-19 Template.

User Content

The application allows for potential volunteers to upload pictures. These are stored in the Google Cloud Storage platform. This was not our decision, but how the Glide platform operates.

Website Hosting

All the website pages are hosted in S3 buckets. The following buckets are used:

  1. A main S3 bucket where the main static site is stored.
  2. A second S3 bucket that is used for forwarding (www subdomain to the main domain).
  3. A third and final S3 bucket configured to store all the other S3 bucket logs plus the CDN logs generated by the CloudFront distribution.

Global Distribution

AWS CloudFront is used for site replication and cache for fast web content delivery. This allows for robustness, speed, and better SEO.

DNS Servers

The DNS servers are managed through Hosted Zones in AWS Route 53.

Live-updates from COVID-19

Right now we are using Python + BeautifulSoup to scrape information of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the demand for our project increase we are thinking of using Scrapy (or maybe Scrapinghub) to meet the potential demands.


We follow the Conventional Commits convention and the Angular Styleguide when it comes to how we organize our project--of course, only where it makes sense, since this project is not a whole Angular application (yet), so there is no Javascript, Typescript or Angular modules for example; but this does not mean that we do not follow principles such as T-DRY, LIFT or the folders-by-feature structure.