
A simple caching solution throw together in lieu of not having the option to install a better cache solution like APC.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A simple caching solution throw together in lieu of not having the option to install a better cache solution like APC.

The cache folder must be read / writable by php (must be able to fopen to the folder)

####Usage ######Make new diskCache This will make a cache with the name "cacheName".

$cache = new diskCache('cacheName');

######Get cache from disk The get returns false when the cache isn't found, or the cache has expired

    //put the stuff you want to cache here
    $str = "this is cached";
    <div class="divider"><?=$str?></div>
    //sets the cache to everything after the get() function
    //must be inside the if

######To clear cache call


This will only clear the file matching the cacheName set in the constructor.

###Clarification I am aware this is not the best method for caching as it increases I/O to the disk, however it was necessary for a project because installing a better php cache solution like APC wasn't an option. On a SSD, this method would be comparable to a memory cache in speed, but to some detriment to the SSD lifespan (as it would increase writes). The benefits to caching through this method of writing to the disk is database calls are now lowered significantly, so the strain on the database is greatly reduced, which was the goal as one minute+ wait times are not an option.