
Unknown QP unsoundness

JonasAlaif opened this issue · 13 comments

The following program verifies in Silicon (latest Nightly, more complete exhale disabled), but fails in Carbon as expected

field ref: Ref
field f: Ref
field n: Ref

predicate T(x: Ref)
predicate List(x: Ref) {
  x != null ==> acc(x.ref) && Node(x.ref)
predicate Node(x: Ref) {
  acc(x.f) && acc(x.f.ref) && T(x.f.ref) &&
  acc(x.n) && acc(x.n.ref) && List(x.n.ref)
define ref_T(x, lft, mut) (valid_lft(lft) && x in lft[tpT] && (mut ==> lft[tpT][x] == 1/1))
define ref_List(x, lft, mut) (valid_lft(lft) && x in lft[tpListT] && (mut ==> lft[tpListT][x] == 1/1))
predicate ListRef(x: Ref, lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]], mut: Bool) {
  x != null ==> acc(x.ref) && NodeRef(x.ref, lft, mut)
predicate NodeRef(x: Ref, lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]], mut: Bool) {
  acc(x.f) && acc(x.f.ref) && ref_T(x.f.ref, lft, mut) &&
  acc(x.n) && acc(x.n.ref) && ListRef(x.n.ref, lft, mut)

define tpT 0
define tpListT 1

predicate lft_T(x: Ref) {
  acc(x.ref) && T(x.ref)
predicate lft_List(x: Ref) {
  acc(x.ref) && List(x.ref)
define Lifetime(lft) (valid_lft(lft) && LifetimeP(lft))
predicate LifetimeP(lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]]) {
  valid_lft(lft) &&
  (forall x: Ref :: x in lft[tpT] ==> lft[tpT][x] > 0/1 && lft[tpT][x] <= 1/1 && acc(lft_T(x), lft[tpT][x])) &&
  (forall x: Ref :: x in lft[tpListT] ==> lft[tpListT][x] > 0/1 && lft[tpListT][x] <= 1/1 && acc(lft_List(x), lft[tpListT][x]))
function valid_lft(lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]]): Bool {
  tpT in lft && tpListT in lft

function get_disc(x: Ref, lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]]): Ref
  requires Lifetime(lft)
  requires ref_List(x, lft, false)
  unfolding LifetimeP(lft) in unfolding acc(lft_List(x), wildcard) in x.ref

method foo(x: Ref, lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]]) returns (res: Ref, new_lft: Map[Int, Map[Ref, Perm]])
  requires Lifetime(lft)
  requires acc(x.ref) && ref_List(x.ref, lft, false)
  ensures Lifetime(new_lft)
  ensures acc(res.ref) && ListRef(res.ref, new_lft, false)
  ensures Lifetime(new_lft) --* Lifetime(lft)
  new_lft := lft
  package Lifetime(new_lft) --* Lifetime(lft)

  inhale acc(res.ref)
  res.ref := null
  fold ListRef(res.ref, new_lft, false)

  while (get_disc(x.ref, new_lft) != null)
    invariant Lifetime(new_lft)
    invariant acc(x.ref) && ref_List(x.ref, new_lft, false)
    invariant acc(res.ref) && ListRef(res.ref, new_lft, false)
    invariant Lifetime(new_lft) --* Lifetime(lft)
    unfold LifetimeP(new_lft)
    assert x.ref in new_lft[tpListT]
    unfold acc(lft_List(x.ref), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref])
    var x_nxt: Ref
    x_nxt := sh_borrow(x.ref, new_lft[tpListT][x.ref])
    assert x_nxt.ref == x.ref.ref

    fold acc(lft_List(x.ref), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]/2)
    fold LifetimeP(new_lft)

    fold acc(lft_List(x_nxt), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref])

    new_lft := new_lft

method sh_borrow(a: Ref, p: Perm) returns (bw: Ref)
  requires p > 0/1 && acc(a.ref, p)
  ensures acc(a.ref, p/2) && a.ref == old(a.ref)
  ensures acc(bw.ref, p/2) && bw.ref == a.ref
  ensures acc(bw.ref, p/2) --* acc(a.ref, p/2) && old[lhs](bw.ref) == a.ref
  bw := a
  package acc(bw.ref, p/2) --* acc(a.ref, p/2) && old[lhs](bw.ref) == a.ref

It should fail at the fold LifetimeP(new_lft) line since we only have acc(lft_List(x.ref), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]/2) and not acc(lft_List(x.ref), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]). Another strange thing is that the fold acc(lft_List(x_nxt), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]) also passes; here we should only have enough perms left to fold new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]/2.

I just merged PR #694 (which just drops some old Z3 options) and now this example no longer verifies.
So there is a chance this was an issue with a weird Z3 option, or there is an unsoundness somewhere in some axiom that is now no longer triggered.

I tried with that PR and it fixes something:

  • fold acc(lft_List(x_nxt), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]) now fails as expected
  • fold LifetimeP(new_lft) still doesn't fail (try removing the failing line above)

Really?? For me, it fails on theLifetimeP fold every time. Interesting.

Hmm I'm running it from the IDE so maybe I'm still using a different version. I'll double check

Either way it's not a Z3 bug then (that seemed kind of unlikely in the first place). Looking into it.

Could you just doublecheck what behavior you get right before the Z3 PR, just to see if it matches what I saw

I did check that, the file verified.

Hmm so you can't reproduce the issue? Strange

? I can reproduce the issue. It's not supposed to verify, right, but it did.

Ah oops, sorry I misunderstood your comment - I automatically took "the file verified" to mean "all good", but here that's not the case 😄

I tried with that PR

Btw this is not true; I thought the PR was from 4 days ago, but it was only just merged - I think that the fold acc(lft_List(x_nxt), new_lft[tpListT][x.ref]) failing/passing is unstable; imo the whole thing is probably some triggering limit - I've been running into issues with this file where I e.g. can't verify:

fold acc(T(x), p)
assert acc(T(x), p) // Error

But if that's the case then the soundness of Silicon QPs relying on triggering is pretty sketchy

No, of course it shouldn't rely on triggering for soundness (and it doesn't in any way I know of).
But I found the issue, it was a general problem when folding a predicate with a multiplier that's not write if the predicate is used in a QP somewhere. Surprising that that wasn't found earlier.

Fixed in PR #696