Symbolic-execution-based verifier for the Viper intermediate verification language.
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Confusing behaviour with `perm` in a quantifier for quantified vs non-quantified fields
#868 opened by superaxander - 3
Questions about maintaining solver's context when adding parallelism in silicon
#861 opened by fanweneddie - 3
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`FuncApp` in axioms
#847 opened by pieter-bos - 0
Method only verifies with --useOldAxiomatization
#855 opened by superaxander - 0
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Weird behavior if WorkerBorrowingForkJoinWorkerThread.onStart throws an InterruptedException
#850 opened by marcoeilers - 2
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Does not regonize heap dependent function as trigger
#845 opened by sakehl - 2
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Unsound behavior with QPs without condition
#833 opened by marcoeilers - 3
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Quantifier with predicates/predicates with quantifiers interfere with each other
#832 opened by sakehl - 4
Multiple quantifiers to memory locations of same type
#831 opened by sakehl - 1
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Using --help crashes Silicon (again)
#819 opened by marcoeilers - 5
Reporting multiple errors
#735 opened by fpoli - 0
Potential unsoundness
#810 opened by marcoeilers - 2
Function body needs to be asserted manually
#803 opened by dnezam - 0
Tests non-deterministically time out
#801 opened by Dspil - 0
Incompleteness when exhaling a QP whose permission expression depends on the quantified variable inside a package statement
#796 opened by marcoeilers - 1
Unsound axiom not considered when domain not used
#793 opened by bruggerl - 3
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Strange output when reporting quantifier instantiations using newer Z3 versions
#786 opened by dnezam - 0
Unexpected assertion failure when using --setAxiomatizationFile without axioms and variables
#779 opened by dnezam - 0
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Map-related unsoundness
#769 opened by marcoeilers - 2
Uninterpreted functions: postconditions vs axioms
#765 opened by fpoli - 1
--numberOfParallelVerifiers 0 causes NPE
#726 opened by alexanderjsummers - 2
Missing hashCode definitions
#723 opened by fpoli - 3
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Using domains with interpretations for Perm together with --prover=Z3-API crashes
#751 opened by sakehl - 6
Unrolling loops blows up verification time
#747 opened by sakehl - 1
Crash with "unknown function/constant"
#749 opened by marcoeilers - 1
Recommended stack size
#748 opened by pieter-bos - 1
Definitions of function applications in postconditions of recursively called functions available too late
#744 opened by marcoeilers - 2
Unsoundness due to loop invariant
#740 opened by bruggerl - 2
Viper command line not giving termination error
#742 opened by BenjaminFrei - 0
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Efficient solver initialization by cloning
#731 opened by fpoli - 6
When is the Position of an AST node mandatory?
#732 opened by fpoli - 0