
Incorrect error message for method call on field access

rayman2000 opened this issue · 3 comments

The following program should return the error that acc( is missing

field next: Ref

predicate list(x: Ref){
    x != null ==> acc( && list(

method reverse(x: Ref)
requires list(x)
ensures list(x)

method test(x: Ref)

Carbon does this correctly. Silicon (for me) returns the error that acc( is missing (both the IDE and the master branch).
Strangely, if I reverify the file in the IDE (so with a cache I assume) the error message is correct, it only fails on the first verification attempt.

I think the problem is as follows:
When we execute a method call, we create a pve that will transform the formal args of the called method back to the actual args of the caller:

val reasonTransformer = (n: viper.silver.verifier.errors.ErrorNode) => n.replace(formalsToActuals)
val pveCall = CallFailed(call).withReasonNodeTransformed(reasonTransformer)

This is correct if the error is thrown while checking the preconditions of the method.
However, if the error occurs while evaluating the args in the caller context, then this transformation is nonsense, we should do no transformation then. This should only happen if the variable names are related in caller and callee. Indeed, if I rename one of the variables, the error does not occur.

So I think here we do not want the transformation:

evals(s, eArgs, _ => pveCall, v)((s1, tArgs, v1) => {

But here we do:
produces(s4, freshSnap, meth.posts, _ => pveCall, v2)((s5, v3) => {