
State merging failed: unexpected mismatch between symbolic states

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This error occurs in the following code (which is minimized somewhat from the original code I was working on):

field disc : Int
field head : Ref
field tail : Ref

field deep_list_borrows : Multiset[Ref]
field deep_i32_borrows : Multiset[Ref]

define list_borrows(set) (forall b: Ref :: {b in set} acc(List_Owns(b), (b in set) / 1))

field box_List_val : Ref

predicate box_List_Owns(x:Ref) {
  && acc(x.deep_i32_borrows)
  && List_Owns(x.box_List_val)
  && x.deep_i32_borrows == unfolding List_Owns(x.box_List_val) in x.box_List_val.deep_i32_borrows

predicate List_Owns(x:Ref) {
  acc(x.disc) && acc(x.deep_i32_borrows) &&
    x.disc == 0 ==>
       acc(x.head) &&
       acc(x.tail) &&
       Ref_i32_Owns(x.head) &&
       box_List_Owns(x.tail) &&
       x.deep_i32_borrows ==
        (unfolding Ref_i32_Owns(x.head) in x.head.deep_i32_borrows union
        unfolding box_List_Owns(x.tail) in x.tail.deep_i32_borrows)

// The whole representation of instances of the type
define Ref_List_type(x)
  Ref_List_Owns(x) &&
  list_borrows(unfolding Ref_List_Owns(x) in x.deep_list_borrows) &&
  unfolding Ref_List_Owns(x) in x.deep_i32_borrows ==
    unfolding List_Owns(x.Ref_List_val) in x.Ref_List_val.deep_i32_borrows

field Ref_List_val : Ref

predicate Ref_List_Owns(
) {
    acc(x.Ref_List_val) &&
    acc(x.deep_list_borrows) &&
    acc(x.deep_i32_borrows) &&
    x.deep_list_borrows == Multiset(x.Ref_List_val)

field Ref_i32_val : Ref

predicate Ref_i32_Owns(x:Ref) {
  && acc(x.deep_i32_borrows)
  && x.deep_i32_borrows == Multiset(x.Ref_i32_val)

method incr_all(ll : Ref)
  requires Ref_List_type(ll)
    var old_deep_list_borrows: Multiset[Ref] := Multiset()

    unfold Ref_List_Owns(ll)
    unfold List_Owns(ll.Ref_List_val)
    var orig_tail: Ref := ll.Ref_List_val.tail

        unfold box_List_Owns(ll.Ref_List_val.tail)
      package list_borrows(old_deep_list_borrows) --* list_borrows(old_deep_list_borrows) {
        fold box_List_Owns(orig_tail)
        apply list_borrows(old_deep_list_borrows) --* list_borrows(old_deep_list_borrows)

Fixed in PR #876