A set of async generators and iterator functions
This project is me just experimenting and learning about async generators in javascript.
Its not supported or stable.
npm install async_iter
Below are the listed generators and functions implemented in this module.
Have a look at the examples directory for working examples
The module uses babel to target nodejs version 10.16.3. It should be compatibile with node 10 and above.
The operators come in 2 distinct flavours. A standard form, and a form more suited for use with the |> pipeline operator.
The import path async_iter
imports all operators. Including non-browser compatible versions
eg: import {map, filter, forEach} from 'async_iter'
The function will typically take the form of operator(source, ...)
. Where source is a async or sync iterable
import {map} from 'async_iter'
const result = map([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], x => x * 2)
The import path async_iter/browsers
imports all operators that are compatible with browsers - exludes nodejs specific operators.
eg: import {map, filter, forEach} from 'async_iter/browsers'
For each of the function, you can reduce the import set, by only including the specific functions you want.
eg: import {map} from 'async_iter/map'
The import path async_iter/pipeline
imports all operators with a signature that aligns with pipelining.
eg: import {map, filter, forEach} from 'async_iter/pipeline'
The function will return a function that take a single source iterable argument.
For example, the map function take a single mapping function, and returns a new function map = fn => source => {...}
import {map} from 'async_iter/pipeline'
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |> map(x => x * 2)
The import path async_iter/pipeline/browsers
imports all operators compatible with browsers and exludes nodejs specific operators.
eg: import {map, filter, forEach} from 'async_iter/pipeline/browsers'
The paths async_iter/pipeline/XXX
allows for the direct import of specific pipeline operators
import {map} from 'async_iter/pipeline/map'
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |> map(x => x * 2)