
Scripts for downloading, building and packaging Coral and its dependencies

Primary LanguageCMake

Coral "super-project"

WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained, and is therefore not guaranteed to work with recent versions of Coral. Consider using vcpkg or some other package manager instead.

This repository contains CMake scripts for downloading, building and packaging Coral, JCoral and (almost) all of their dependencies in just a few simple steps.

Specifically, there are two scripts:

  • CMakeLists.txt, for downloading and building the code using CMake in the "normal" way.

  • make-release.cmake, for bundling Coral, JCoral and their runtime dependencies into release packages. This must be run by CMake in "script mode".

The latter will, unless otherwise is specified by the user, automatically run the former in a temporary working directory.


The CMake "super build system" described by CMakeLists.txt automatically downloads and builds Coral and most of its dependencies by using CMake's ExternalProject module. There are some tools and libraries which must already be installed on your system, however:

In principle, we could download and build Boost like all the other dependencies, but it's so big, and takes so long to compile, that you probably wouldn't want that. Most Linux distros let you install Boost easily through their package managers, and you'll find Windows binaries available for download on the web.

The make-release.cmake script has no further mandatory dependencies of its own, but if you want it to bundle everything into an archive file (e.g. ZIP), you need the appropriate programs for it. See the comments at the top of make-release.cmake for further information.

Downloading and building

The rest of this document describes how to use the CMakeLists.txt script, which is what you probably want to do if you plan to participate in Coral development. If all you want is to build Coral and create a release bundle, check out the comments at the top of make-release.cmake.

  1. Clone this repository locally. Hereafter, we refer to the topmost directory of the cloned repository as SOURCE_DIR.

  2. Create a directory for the build files. This can be a subdirectory of SOURCE_DIR, or it can be in a completely different place. (Actually, it can also be SOURCE_DIR, but everyone agrees that this is a Bad Idea.) Hereafter, we refer to this as BUILD_DIR.

  3. In a terminal/console, navigate to BUILD_DIR and run CMake, like so:

    cd BUILD_DIR
    cmake [options] SOURCE_DIR
    cmake --build .

    See the CMake documentation as well as the list of variables below for what you can put in place of [options].

You'll now find the Coral source in a local Git repository under BUILD_DIR/coral-prefix/src/coral, and the generated project files or Makefiles under BUILD_DIR/coral-prefix/src/coral-build.

Options and variables

The following variables may be defined on the CMake command line, by using options on the form -DVAR=value.

  • CORAL_GIT_REPOSITORY: The Git repository to use for Coral. If you intend to participate in Coral development, this should probably be your own fork of the main repository. If not specified, this will point to the main repository.

  • CORAL_GIT_TAG: Which branch, tag or commit ID to check out from the Coral repository. By default, this is master.

  • CORAL_INSTALL_PREFIX: Where to install Coral when the install target is built.

  • BUILD_JCORAL: Whether to also download and build the JCoral library.

  • JCORAL_GIT_REPOSITORY, JCORAL_GIT_TAG, JCORAL_INSTALL_PREFIX: Same as the corresponding CORAL_* variables, but for JCoral. Only used when BUILD_JCORAL is TRUE.

  • DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_PREFIX: Where to install the dependencies when the install target is built.

  • INSTALL_DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES: Whether to install the debug versions of system runtime libraries along with other dependencies. (Currently only applicable to the MSVC toolchain.)

  • BOOST_ROOT, BOOST_INCLUDEDIR and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR: These are forwarded to the Coral build scripts and thereafter used by CMake's FindBoost script. Run cmake --help-module FindBoost for more info.

  • CORAL_BUILD_PRIVATE_API_DOCS, CORAL_BUILD_TESTS, CORAL_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING and CORAL_ENABLE_TRACE_LOGGING: These are forwarded to Coral's build scripts and affect how Coral is built. See Coral's CMakeLists.txt for more information.