
tasks for crisptag internship

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE: The main app directory is remote, all npm commands are run from this directory(referred as root directory)

NOTE: This project has all the dependencies installed and accounted for in "package.json" file in root directory


  • There are two tasks accomplised in this project
  • task-one is to redirect to "google.com" upon entering the url "localhost/goog"(this task is stored in remote dir)
  • task-two is to display local json file content in browser(this task is also stored in remote dir)

Getting Started

  1. a) download node from here https://nodejs.org/en/download/ b) This link can help you through the process of downloading, installing and setting up node and express https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Express_Nodejs/development_environment
  2. Install "nodemon" to make server respond for dynamic changes by running command 'npm install -g nodemon'
  3. Tweak the "package.json" file by adding "start" to "scripts" and adding "nodemon app.js" to "start"(already done)
  4. now run command 'npm start' at the root directory


  • (for detailed dependencies you can visit "package.json" file in "remote" directory)
  1. nodemon(npm install -g nodemon)
  2. express(npm install --save express)
  3. fs(npm install --save fs)
  4. path(npm install --save path)

Build and Test

  • type in command 'npm start' to create server from directory "remote"
  • now go to "localhost:8000" in your web browser(you can view the json content here)
  • now visit "localhost:8000/goog"(you will be redirected to "www.google.com")

    Note: tests are not yet made


  • For task-one:
    • add more routings as necessary to variuos websites using express app.get()
  • For task-two:
    • style the displayed json contents