Tooltip Placement Example

This is a simple example of how to use a tooltip in a React application and change its placement based on user interaction. The example uses the Material-UI library for the tooltip component and the useState hook for state management.


  • The example renders four buttons, each with an onClick function that updates the placement state to the corresponding position.
  • The Tooltip component is rendered with the placement state as its placement prop.
  • When the user hover on the button, the tooltip appears with the placement set by the user.
  • The component uses Bootstrap classes for styling and positioning of the elements.

Getting Started

  • Install the dependencies by running npm install or yarn install.
  • Start the development server by running npm start or yarn start.
  • The example should now be running on http://localhost:3000.


  • React
  • Material-UI
  • Bootstrap


  • The example uses the Material-UI library, so be sure to have it installed and configured in your project.
  • The example uses Bootstrap classes for styling and positioning, so be sure to have it installed and configured in your project.
  • You can customize the background color by changing the background color in the css file.
  • You can customize the placement of the tooltip by changing the placement state.


  • This is a simple example of how to use a tooltip in a React application and change its placement based on user interaction. It should serve as a good starting point for your own project.