Add part of VIM key bindings experience to Logseq
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 6
Data loss bug with ctrl+a -- it's very easy to change all the numbers in a page, and there is no undo
#52 opened by lefth - 0
[FEATURE] change entire block
#58 opened by hisamafahri - 7
Go to next/previous sibling not working
#56 opened by maubuz - 0
- 3
- 4
- 4
- 2
Increase responsiveness, decrease animation
#45 opened by balta2ar - 1
Implement visibility cycle
#47 opened by balta2ar - 0
Implement "show current thread only"
#48 opened by balta2ar - 2
Config feature request: scrollBlockInPage
#50 opened by hacker-DOM - 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] Add action to toggle the status (ToDo/Doing/Done) of a block
#46 opened by primeapple - 1
- 0
- 0
- 2
- 3
Next sibling stopped working.
#44 opened by ttytm - 3
- 0
`zc` does not close a fold from within the fold (that is, a child node is focused)
#43 opened by lefth - 5
Use other sequences to exist insert mode
#17 opened by pwntester - 2
[Feature Request] Customize shortcuts
#40 opened by Immortal-Sty - 1
how to change keybinding
#32 opened by FireSK7 - 1
"/" search issue
#33 opened - 1
- 1
- 2
jump into tag seems not work fine.
#42 opened by cuiko - 1
- 5
`o` conflicts with existing shortcut
#30 opened by TomBener - 1
- 1
Disallow mouse click entering the insert mode
#31 opened by yysun - 3
- 1
How to activate?
#25 opened by fullofcaffeine - 2
`copy-path` not work in command mode
#27 opened by tiankonganddahai - 1
Feature request: Ctrl+w to delete previous word
#15 opened by jmhammond - 1
- 1
`/` not working after update
#23 opened by cesar-programs - 6
- 1
Next/Previous Sibling performs very slowly
#22 opened by jaime10a - 4
Strange mappings for `i`, `I`, `a`, `A`
#20 opened by huyz - 3
- 4
Feature request: word navigation
#14 opened by AvijeetPrasad - 2
#16 opened by j2wyatt - 2
collapseAll and extendAll are disabled
#12 opened by usoonees - 5
Collapse block doesn't work
#10 opened by dmytrodubinin - 1
Quit visual mode when press `Escape`
#13 opened by usoonees - 1
Feature | Select multiple blocks
#11 opened by me-nkr