
A phonegap 3.x plugin for brightness control within android and ios

Primary LanguageJava


A phonegap 3.x plugin for brightness control within android and ios. Also recently I have added the function for keep screen on.


You may use phonegap CLI as follows:

➜ phonegap local plugin add https://github.com/fiscal-cliff/phonegap-plugin-brightness.git
[phonegap] adding the plugin: https://github.com/fiscal-cliff/phonegap-plugin-brightness.git
[phonegap] successfully added the plugin


The code below can be placed into script tag.

		document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady);
		function onDeviceReady() {
			window.brightness = cordova.require("cordova.plugin.Brightness.Brightness");
		function setBrightness(value) {
			brightness.setBrightness(value, win, fail);
		function getBrightness() {
			brightness.getBrightness( win, fail);
		function win(status) {
			alert('Message: ' + status);
		function fail(status) {
			alert('Error: ' + status);

You may also prevent a sleep (or keep screen on).

		// prevents sleep
		// returns normal behavior