
A real time chat application made using Reactjs, Nodejs and Socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real Time Chat App

A Real-Time chat application with multiple custom rooms and user sign-up functionalities

  1. Sockets.io - Used to implement the real-time functionalities by sending triggering and monitoring events on a topic-subscription based model.
  2. ReactJS - The front end has been built using ReactJs to implement live state-change handling on (send/receive) message events.


Join/Sign Up Page


Chat Box ui


Welcome Message and Notification on the joining of any user


Scroll-down button to improve UX


Auto Scroll down on spamming of messages


Local Setup & Available Scripts

npm install

Run this in both server and client directories to installs all dependencies required for the app to run

npm start

Run this in both server and client directories to run the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view running app it in the browser. (React-app server) The page will reload if you make edits.