
Backend Spring Boot REST service for Bifrost project

Primary LanguageJava

Bifrost Backend REST API

Build Status


In a shell, navigate to the sample's folder and use the SAM CLI to build a deployable package

$ sam build

This command compiles the application and prepares a deployment package in the .aws-sam sub-directory.

To deploy the application in your AWS account, you can use the SAM CLI's guided deployment process and follow the instructions on the screen

$ sam deploy --guided

Once the deployment is completed, the SAM CLI will print out the stack's outputs, including the new application URL. You can use curl or a web browser to make a call to the URL

OutputKey-Description                        OutputValue
PetStoreApi - URL for application            https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pets

$ curl https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pets