The following is our first Ruby test-driven development exercise in Nashville Software School, taught by Eliza Brock. It involves thinking about linked lists as a data structure and passing a series of pre-defined tests to make the data structure work.


tests 1-5: storing a payload in an item, adding items, defining new items and the last item, and comparing items for sorting purposes.


tests 6-8: adding and getting items

tests 9-15: defining size, last and to_string methods

tests 16-25, bonus round: removing items

tests 26-32: indexing

tests 33-46: sorting

The problems are solved in lib/linked__list__item.rb and lb/linked_list.rb

-Viraj Parikh


This is the exercise for week 2 day 3.


  1. Read about unit testing at the following links: * *
  2. Fork this repository and clone your fork
  3. cd into the NSS-Linked-List folder on your computer
  4. Run rake to run the test suite
  5. Make the test suite pass by implementing the LinkedList and LinkedListItem classes * Choose one test at a time to work on * Once the tests pass, you should refactor and clean up your code
  6. Push your implementation up to github after we've gone over it in class.

More Information

The tests for the project are in the /tests directory.

The stubbed classes that you are to implement are in the /lib directory.

I have numbered the unit tests to give you a hint at the easiest implementation order.