Part 1
Isalpha : to check if there is an alphabet
Isdigit : to check if there is a number
Isalnum : to check if there is a number or an alphabet
Isascii : to check whether a given integer represents an ascii character
Isprint : to check if the given char is printable (c >31 & c < 127)
Strlen: to calculate the length of char
Memset: to fill block of memory with a specified value
Bzeroto: to set a block of memory to zero
Memcpy: copies of block of memory from the sources to the destination
Memmove: copies of block of memory from the sources to the destination and prevent overlapping memory regions
Strlcpy: copies the sources to the destination and return the length of the destinations
Strlcat: appends a string from the source to the destination with a specified size limit, ensuring the null terminator
Toupper: to convert lowercase letter to the uppercase letter
Tolower: to convert the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter
Strchr: to search for the first occurence of a specific character in a string
Strrchr: to search for the last occuence of a specific character in a string
Strncmp: to compare two strings s1 & s2 with a specific length
Memchr: to search a first occuerence specific char in the memory block
Memcmp: to compare two memories area and return the difference between first diffring bytes
Strnstr: to search the first occurence of a substr within a given string, with a specified length
Atoi: to scan the input ASCII string and convert it to integer.
Calloc: allocate and initailizes memory for an array of elements
Strdup: to duplicate of the string
Part 2
Ft_strtrim: to split
Ft_split: to split a string to the array of substrings based on delimeter
Ft_itoa: Convert the integer to the Ascii String
Ft_strmapi: apply the function to each character of string, creating a new string with the results
Ft_striteri: apply the function to each character of the string and providing the index and a pointer to character
Ft_putchar_fd: write function with a character and index
Ft_putstr_fd: write function také a poiner as string and index of file descripter
Ft_putendl_fd: function také a point as string and index followed by a new line
Ft_putnbr_fd: print allnumber either negative or positive