
My personal Docker base images for my projects.

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Docker Base Images

This repository builds & publishes my base Docker images that I use across all my other projects.

I do not recommend that you use these images in your own projects as they are tailored towards my needs!


These are the Linux distribution images I use the base for all my other images.

These images are built from root filesystem tarballs, and will always use the latest stable version for each major release. There are variants for 64-bit x86 & 64-bit ARM.

The following changes have been made within these images:

  • Switched to a package repository mirror in the United Kingdom.
  • Switched to British English locale & UTF-8 character set.
  • Switched to UTC timezone.
  • Installed public CA certificates & my personal root CA certificate.
  • Installed my container healthcheck utility.
  • Created a standard, unprivileged user & group (UID & GID: 1000).
  • Added local user binaries to the system path.
  • Disabled writing shell history to file.
Title Version Image name & tag Note
Ubuntu 18.04 18.04.6 ghcr.io/viral32111/ubuntu:18.04 LTS.
Ubuntu 20.04 20.04.6 ghcr.io/viral32111/ubuntu:20.04 LTS.
Ubuntu 22.04 22.04.3 ghcr.io/viral32111/ubuntu:22.04 LTS.
Ubuntu 22.10 22.10 ghcr.io/viral32111/ubuntu:22.10 EOL.
Ubuntu 23.04 23.04 ghcr.io/viral32111/ubuntu:23.04
Ubuntu 23.10 23.10 ghcr.io/viral32111/ubuntu:23.10
Title Version Image name & tag Note
Alpine Linux 3.15 3.15.6 ghcr.io/viral32111/alpine:3.15 EOL.
Alpine Linux 3.16 3.16.7 ghcr.io/viral32111/alpine:3.16
Alpine Linux 3.17 3.17.5 ghcr.io/viral32111/alpine:3.17
Alpine Linux 3.18 3.18.3 ghcr.io/viral32111/alpine:3.18
Alpine Linux 3.19 3.19.0 ghcr.io/viral32111/alpine:3.19


These images use Java from Adoptium Temurin, and will always use the latest stable version for each major release.

These images are based on both Ubuntu 23.04 and Alpine Linux 3.18, for 64-bit x86.

Title Version Image name & tag Note
Java 8 8u382-b05 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:8
Java 11 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:11
Java 16 16.0.2+7 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:16 Uses JDK instead of JRE.
Java 17 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:17 LTS.
Java 18 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:18
Java 19 19.0.2+7 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:19
Java 20 20.0.2+9 ghcr.io/viral32111/java:20


These images are based on both Ubuntu 23.04 and Alpine Linux 3.18, for 64-bit x86.

Title Version Image name & tag Note
.NET Runtime 6.0 6.0.22 ghcr.io/viral32111/dotnet:6 LTS.
.NET Runtime 7.0 7.0.11 ghcr.io/viral32111/dotnet:7
Title Version Image name & tag Note
ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0 6.0.22 ghcr.io/viral32111/aspnetcore:6 LTS.
ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0 7.0.11 ghcr.io/viral32111/aspnetcore:7


These images are based on both Ubuntu 23.04 and Alpine Linux 3.18, for 64-bit x86.

Title Version Image name & tag Note
Node.js v18 18.17.1 ghcr.io/viral32111/nodejs:18 LTS.
Node.js v19 19.9.0 ghcr.io/viral32111/nodejs:19 EOL.
Node.js v20 20.6.1 ghcr.io/viral32111/nodejs:20


These images are based on Ubuntu 23.04.

Title Version Image name & tag Note
Python 3 3.11.5 ghcr.io/viral32111/python:3