
clarity to SmartWeave translator
VERY EXPERIMENTAL. Can compile only hello world for now. WIP

recommended software requirements

# install nvm 
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
# node install
nvm i 12
npm i -g iced-coffee-script

# we need clang-8 and git

# For ubuntu 20.04
apt-get update
apt-get install clang-8 lld-8 git
# fix missing wasm-ld binary
ln -s /usr/bin/wasm-ld-8 /usr/bin/wasm-ld

how to install

git clone
cd clarity2smartweave_wasm
npm i

how to use

./ test.clar
# see ./build/compiled.js for results

how to test proper execution

# for some reason node@12 does't like `export async function handle`, so I use `this.handle = async function`
# enable this behaviour with --fix-export
./ test.clar --fix-export
# expected output
# { state: {}, result: 1 }

Development stuff

# run tests
npm test


Note some points are duplicated. Reason: ast4gen has lot of stuff and it's a reasonable checklist for turing-complete stuff (clarity is not, but whatever)
Also I plan make superset of clarity for 2 purposes:

  • put all smartweave stuff in non-standard endpoints (so you can write in clarity whatever you want for arweave, because patching generated C or WASM is much more painful)
  • turing-complete (why not?)
Feature Implemented Tested
Clarity API
    un -
    bin + - * /
    mod pow
    to-int to-uint
    < > <= >=
    and or xor not
  • for function  
  stmt/control flow
    is-ok is-none is-err is-some
  block/tx related
  IO state
  IO contract
  IO misc
SmartWeave API sync
SmartWeave API async?

ast4gen perspective checklist

Feature Implemented Tested
expr AST
    + - * /
    mod pow
    < > <= >=
    and or xor not
    == !=
  • partial 
  • only for args 
stmt AST
  ast.Var_decl (global, define-read-only)
  ast.Var_decl (local, let)
stmt AST control flow
  string (arg+ret)
  • ret only 
  int as i32
  uint as u32
  int/uint as i64
  int/uint as i128/u128
  response ok-type err-type