Name: Virej Dasani
- EACH processed result of prime numbers will have to be written to file (not just unique prime numbers found)
- The cache will only hold unique prime numbers (no duplicates, for better space usage)
- Only purely numeric inputs are accepted
- File persistence appends new primes to a file (in a human readable manner - similar to what is printed to console)
Compile the program:
Run the program:
java PrimeChecker
Example interaction:
Enter username: user1
Enter a numeric sequence: 12345
Prime Numbers in sequence: 2, 3, 5, 23
The program will print the list of primes found. The program will save every NEW prime found in cache memory (in a set so it's unique) The file prime_numbers.txt will contain an appended line with the new results after each run. The file will look like this after the first run:
Prime Numbers in sequence: [2, 3, 5, 23]
Tests are under tests/