
cool python, matlab, and js scripts i've made/am currently working on

Primary LanguageMATLAB

FunPy 🤩

♟ ChessM8 is a statistics tracker for chess.com and lichess.com.

🗺 Maps is a collection of carbon footprint maps I've been working on with EcoDataLab.

🧮 MATLAB contains mathematical functions for common problems, such as root-finding, series convergence, and approximating curves with splines.

🔍 NLP is an ongoing project I've been working on to process named entity recognition on job descriptions.

🎵 SpotiPy is a Python script built on Spotify's 'Get User Tracks and Artists' API endpoint. With this you can obtain your top-10 songs for the past month, past 6 months, or even past year.

🥳 Vibe is a multimedia platform that allows users to create their own rooms or join existing rooms to listening to music in a collective 'Vibe Pod'.