
Whenever I installed Kali Linux I had to make changes to sources file and update it and search and download few tools which are not a part of Kali repo. I was just tired of doing all these over and over again so I made it in a bash script.

What it does?

It edits your sources.list file and updates it. Adds 32bit architecture to the system and installs wine32. Adds mingw32 cross-compiler, updates Metasploit. Adds EternalBlue Metasploit module. Installs tools like CrackMapExec, Empire, Sublist3r, BruteSpray, psychoPATH, BEWgor, MimiPenguin and Mimikatz-JS, EyeWitness, Dirs3arch, CMSmap, MITMf.

This is just a run and install script. Feel free to modify and add new good and essential tools to the script.




Will be modifying to it can synch Deathstar with Empire and complete setup of bloodhound.